
White Guava Puree Concentrate Exporters

by Shimla Hills coconut water concentrate

White guava is a tropical fruit that is native to South America, North America and Europe.  India is one of the world’s largest producers of guava. The size of this tropical fruit typically ranges from three to four inches. It has a sweet and slightly acidic taste. It can be eaten raw, as a juice, or in the form of jellies. Similarly, you can consume it in a concentrated form and reap its full benefits.

1. Maintains Blood Sugar Level

White Guava Puree Concentrate is essential to maintain a balanced blood sugar level. In addition, it is a rich source of fibre and therefore is suitable for diabetes. A fibre-rich diet can decrease the risk of Type 2 diabetes, slow down intestinal absorption of glucose, and control blood sugar levels.


2. Supports Reproductive Health

White Guava Puree Concentrate contains antioxidants like Vitamin A, C, E, and folate that help neutralise the effects of free radicals. These antioxidants are essential for fetal development during pregnancy. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), folate, a B-vitamin, allows cells to divide and allow your body to promote DNA and genetic material for the fetus. It also includes minerals like beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and selenium.