When Stress Gets To You...

Posted by Maria Fiore Pilon
Jul 17, 2011
I really do not know how many are struggling with this problems of our days.
Stress can be a factor for many. How can we overcome it with easiness, get the sense of knowing when you need to stop what your are doing.

Especially when job searching and there is no answers from any employer giving you a chance to try you out, it is quite hard to get one. Where interviews can get tricky and really knowing what is behind the thought of the interviewer.

I also know another problem, I do not always want to get into house cleaning because it becomes a never ending job. I have a problem when, if I do not start I do not do it, but when I get started, I can't stop, I keep cleaning every where in detail, I feel today as compulsory cleaner. I know that I expecting guests for dinner tomorrow, I love my house to be spotless, but it is hard when it is a big house. I try to keep the routine thing of maintaining it in order but with others around that occasionally leaves stuff behind for me to pick, it becomes annoying. I know that if we are a bunch of adults living in the same place, if we all do are part it would be always tidy. I do not know if
we are all thinking the same way regarding keep the house tidy. I know if we all hold a job earning an income to keep with the household expenses, it is normal that if all pitched in it would not hurt, but it would encourage everyone in the household to keep on working to earn an income. This would make it less stressful for all. Sometimes we complain of how the job outside the house can be hard or draining just like the office job that can give mental stress and the job that requires physical work can be exhausting after a long days' work. I do know that depending on the situation or stress that a job can give by either the environment at work or home can also drain you out.

How can someone overcome the exhaustion ?
When this happens you can get on other people's nerves, sometimes leads to sleepless nights, problems concentrating or focusing. You have dreams working at work the routing you always do. It becomes like a nightmare. You can also become restless or even gain or lose to much weight.

I know there is solutions it is hard to always apply it because but it can be in the way when you are surrounded by manipulators. There is often no answers to the situations that can become very argumentative with the opponent because we are both head strong and hard headed to give in or stop the argument with saying anything to avoid a repetitive crisis to recur again.

This is just how I can explain how stress has affected my life. I know it is hard to deal with it. I enjoy relaxation, good music, play games on the internet, pray and meditation, cry, take a hot relaxing bath, or take a good walk can do wonders for me.

I really wonder how you all deal with stress ?
All answers can be appreciated.

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Comments (2)
Maria Fiore Pilon

Water The Source Of Life

Yes I will, thank you so much for your suggestion. Maria

Aug 23, 2011 Like it
Smith Sti

Book Ticket Now

i suggest u keep touch touch with some algae food from http://www.genaturals.com

Aug 23, 2011 Like it
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