Being Unemployed...Hard Times Finding a Job

How com employers are getting more difficult to hire and have become more demanding than it was years ago ?
Are we a population of all over-educated people that demands are high and work offers are limited ?
Being forty-five and older this can become a nightmare finding a job when you have been for a long time with one employer and all of sudden they let you go due to restructuring or company changes due to new directors and management, cutting costs, can cost job losses like crazy.
Our economic dramatic changes, has created an impact on all of whom depend on earning money from a source outside the house, meaning, working for someone else. It is the only means to make ends meet. This happens when you loose a job and have lots of debts including the mortgage to pay, sometimes, we have children that are still dependent on our salaries and it is very hard to make ends meet.
You have experience but the education is lacking, like updating some skills are required to improve your next job. You have the education and the skills but no work because the market has lots of educated people and the selection is larger.
The government helps in sometimes to get you back to work, but there is lots of struggles before you can get all that. There is periods where unemployment funds are finished either they give an extension, or what ever is best to get back on your feet. The only thing that is bad when there is no sources of income in the in between until the employment office or agent, makes the decision to give you help.
Whatever you wish to learn it does not always apply because the employment office says we need to keep you with the same trade, only until we have no more work in your field or have had an accident that prevents you to work with that trade, they will give training in a new career.
Welfare is not always the solution but it can help. When either partners works and earns you are not allowed, depending on the household income, but if you live with someone like sharing the place, you can get it. I find this unfair because if working as an individual, even if I am married not allowed, while those who live in concubines are allowed, so, the best thing to do is to declare a separation which sometimes breaks up the couples and families up for good, I find this very controversy.
You know, we still have to deal with losses where sometimes it leads to bankruptcy. This can create lots of chaos with the family regarding the budgets and making ends meet. I know that we have to be strong with lots of faith that something new with a new door opens and there is always the community that can help when you are in the worst scenario.
I have finally found something worthwhile and with all I have been through, my life is changing the wheel to a brighter future with lots of new resources in a new door of hope. I hope you too, will find your open door to new beginning. Good Luck...
Image: Google
Comments (1)
Atif Sohail
i like it very much and i also want a job please help me