What Is The Difference Between A Digital Signature And An Electronic Signature?

Posted by Digital Signature
Sep 3, 2018

In the modern era, when we are trying to reduce the use of paper, the need for someone’s signature on a document actually backfires all those plans. To stop the process that involves printing the document, signing it and getting multiple copies printed, Electronic Signature was introduced. Electronic Signature uses a technology that connects the signature of the signer’s identity. They are a substitute for signatures made on paper. An Electronic signature is a form of electronic symbol or process attached to a contract and taken by an individual with intent to sign the same. Digital signature is also referred to as E-Signature and is an individual’s electronic consent to the terms of any document.

Signatures are mostly used to verify documents. When an individual signs a document, it automatically signifies that they are validating its contents. In the same way Digital Signatures are used to authorize the electronic documents. Digital Signatures are small block of data connected to the documents that are to be signed. The block data has been generated from Digital Id of the signer and it includes a public and private key. The private key is used by the signer and public key is sent to the person to whom the document is being given.

The main difference between Electronic Signature and Digital Signature is the level of data security.


 1.    A Digital Signature has a time stamped on the document, but in an electronic signature they are just linked to the document but placed separately.

 2.    In an Electronic signature, the validation process is not defined and it uses signer’s email, PIN, Phone whereas a Digital Signature follows certificate-based digital ID validation method.

 3.    Electronic signatures can tamper, but same is not the case with Digital Signatures. Digital Signatures are highly secure since information is embedded within the document.

 4.    An electronic signature is used only for certifying the digital document. However Digital signature certifies the security of the Digital Document.

 5.    Digital Signatures enhance the security of the digital document using cryptographic methods whereas electronic signatures do not follow any specific methods.

 6.    Trusted Certificate authorities perform the authentication in the Digital Signature, but the electronic signature does not have any validation performed. 

READ MORE:-http://dscdelhi.com/
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Comments (2)
Sarah Minhaz

Digital Signature Solutions

You explain brilliantly the difference between digital signature & electronic signature, very useful information. if you are interested to know some more useful information about digital signature pad & electronic signature pad. sigplex is one of the best signature device distributors in UK

Jul 4, 2019 Like it
john herry

Digital & Seo marketing executive

Thanks for share this article.It's very useful for me

Sep 3, 2018 Like it
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