Signature Tips: How to Choose the Best Electronic Signature Provider

Posted by Mahender Bist
Dec 11, 2019

US businesses incur around $25 billion to $35 billion in the paper filing, storage, and retrieval. Paperwork can be expensive, inefficient, and tedious. That’s why businesses are at the forefront of employing different document-related innovations.

Electronic signatures are one of the technologies embraced by many businesses. The eSignature has made the process of obtaining signatures seamless. Besides, it expedites the process of contract signing.

If you are tired of the ink and pen, there is an array of e-signature providers. Choosing an electronic signature provider can be difficult when you do not know what to look for. Click here to learn more about signature tips and how to choose.

The Ability of the eSignature to Integrate with the Internal Systems

The eSignature should complement the existing systems in your business. Upgrading to electronic signature should not affect other internal processes. The signature provider should understand your business processes.

You should orient the potential electronic signature provider with your typical document workflow. The vendor will guide you on the implementation of signatures to fit in your business.

The eSignature solution should have an API to integrate with your system. Check for reviews to know if the electronic provider is capable. Ignoring this feature can end up costing your business.

Legal Protection of e-Signed Documents

One notable benefit of electronic signatures is their compliance with regulatory bodies. With eSignatures, you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble with the law. The signatures follow laws such as the ESIGN Act.

Your online signature vendor should abide by the laws regulating eSignatures. The legal protection is essential when dealing with valuable transactions. You need proof to address different customer disputes over a transaction.

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