What is Health Insurance and how to choose the Best in India?
We all understand the importance of good health. In today’s life, health issues have become very common and medical aid has become an unavoidable expense. With technological advancement in medical facilities, medical charges are increasing day by day and everyone cannot afford the same. Here, a medical insurance has a role to play. Health insurance is a policy which covers all the unforeseen medical expenses incurred for you or someone from your family admitted in a hospital. Insurance policy bails one out of financial woes by covering medical expenses. Basically, this policy is a contract between a buyer and the insurance company under which the insurer company is liable for paying all the medical expenses of the buyer.
There are numerous health insurance companies in India which are offering attractive policies for health insurance in India. Hence, you should choose your mediclaim insurance policy very carefully. In this article, some tips have been shared to help you in deciding which affordable medical insurance policy you should buy to meet your exact requirements:
Know what your requirements are
Emergency situation or illnesses are mostly unpredictable; still, there are few medical needs which can be foreseen, such as maternity. While many insurance companies cover most medical conditions, there are many insurance companies which have policies that do not cover such or any other pre-existing conditions or tests. Therefore, it is very important to note down all the things you need coverage for in the insurance plan.
Ignore the unrequired
Try to list down all the miscellaneous coverage areas your medical insurance is providing. Many insurance policies also cover many unrequired medical needs which are good for nothing but can increase the premium rate drastically.
Cashless or co-payment
There are insurance policies which are based on co-payment or cashless policy. Under co-payment, you need to pay some amount to the hospital whereas in cashless facility, you don’t have to pay anything to the hospital. In cashless polices, the insurance provider takes care of all the payments. So, choose the one you are comfortable with. Also, there are many hospitals which are linked with various insurance companies; you can choose one as per your convenience.
You can also ensure coverage for your dependents. The policies usually cover your spouse and children. However, the age limit in different insurance companies may vary as per their policy terms and conditions. Generally, the age limit varies from 3 months to 30 years. Age limit for male children is lower than that for the female children. The age limit for parents varies from 55 to 65 years.
Think twice before finalizing the sum assured
The sum assured is the total amount of money which will be reimbursed to the person with a medical insurance under one-year policy. You should choose the assured amount very smartly so that the premium for you is payable and doesn’t turn into a burden in future.
Act smartly
There are many insurance companies in India offering various insurance policies. You can fill quotes online for purchasing any insurance scheme online. Apart from this, these companies also facilitate the option of renewing and buying policies online.
Lastly, it is very important to have a good health insurance policy to meet future requirements. Insurance policies can support you in receiving good medical assistance even when you do not have enough money. As life is uncertain and you never know what’s going to happen in coming future, you should secure yourself and your family. Health is very precious; hence, making investment for good health is a smart decision.