TS PGECET Admission 2018 Details

Telangana Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (TS PGECET 2018) is a state level situation test for offering admission into predictable PG courses, for example, ME, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy, M.Arch and distinctive courses. The TS PGECET exam is furthermore coordinated for admission in Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate) program. This exam is coordinated by the University College of Engineering, Osmania University for the advantage of Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE).
TS PGECET 2018 Date
TS PGECET tentative exam dates 2018 are given below:
Events |
Dates (Tentative) |
Releasing of Notification |
2nd week of March, 2018 |
Starting of application Form |
3rd week of March, 2018 |
Last Date to Submit Application Form without late fee |
3rd week of April, 2018 |
Form submission with Rs.500/- late fee |
1st week of May, 2018 |
Form submission with Rs.2000/- late fee |
3rd week of May, 2018 |
Form submission with Rs.5000/- late fee |
4th week of May, 2018 |
Form submission with Rs.10000/- late fee |
last week of May, 2018 |
Availability of Hall Ticket |
3rd week of May to last week of May, 2018 |
Written Test |
Last week of May to 1st week of June, 2018 |
Declaration of Result |
Mid of June, 2018 |
Starting of Counselling Procedure |
August, 2018 |
Admission Process Start |
September, 2018 |
TS PGECET Application Form 2018
Candidates need to take after these way to applying for TS PGECET 2018 section test:
Candidates need to apply just by methods for online mode through the webpage.
Candidates need to take after the all rules as for filling application form.
Candidates are required to fill all the imperative points of intrigue like individual, academic, address and diverse inconspicuous elements.
Exchange the examined pictures of photograph and stamp.
The fee portion ought to be conceivable through online mode or AP/TS Online Center.
At long last, candidates can introduce their filled-in application form. Starting there ahead, they will get a SMS of convenience of their application form.
Candidates those qualified the GATE exam need to apply autonomously for admission.
Application Fee:
The registration fee is Rs. 800/ - (Rs. 400/ - if there ought to emerge an event of Sc/ST) per test.
For more than one test, candidates need to pay extra fee.
Candidates can impact portion through Credit Card/To charge card or AP/TS Online Centers.
TS PGECET Syllabus
The syllabus covers the subject that has examined in the midst of the single person's course. There is a substitute syllabus for each prepare and depends on the likelihood for which they are applying. Students should prepare for the exam as per the legitimately embraced syllabus.
Preparation Tips
In particular, make a system course of action for your exam arrangements.
Impact an OK time-to table and segment your chance comparatively for each one of the subjects.
Amass all insights about the syllabus and plan as necessities be.
Endeavor to see prior year questions it will help you to get some answers concerning the pattern.
Prepare short notes on basic points and reexamine them while there is less time is remaining for the test.
While preparing for exam also manage your prosperity, take nutritious eating routine and avoid waste and smooth sustenance.
TS PGECET Hall Ticket 2018
Candidates can get the TS PGECET Admit Card 2018 from the site. Candidates with invalid admit card won't be allowed to enter the test center. Points of enthusiasm of exam center, day and date of exam, the cheerful's name and roll no. will be said in the anteroom ticket. Candidates can download their admit card by entering their Registration Number and the test paper that they have picked on the application form.
TS PGECET results will be articulated in the time of June, 2017. Showed up candidates can check their results through the site. An alternate authenticity summary will be set up on the commence of confident's imprints secured in the arrangement test. Shortlisted candidates will be called for directing process.
TS PGECET 2018 Counseling
The directing process will be made by the Osmania University. The controlling will be begun in the long extend of August 2018. Candidates can appreciate the managing round in the wake of qualifying the situation test. Candidates those have GATE score card can apply freely for admission. Candidates will be called upon their rank in the exam. They should be accessible eye to eye for the coordinating process. There candidates need to fill their slants as demonstrated by their rank. Candidates need to bring their exceptional documents for affirmation process. After seat portion, students are relied upon to appear at the apportioned school to complete admission formalities.
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