Travelling Overseas With A Global SIM Card? Things You Need To Keep In Mind As You Fly

Posted by Pixwireless Prepaid
Dec 19, 2019

So, it’s just a few days left till your vacation abroad kickstarts, and since you’re going to stay overseas for an extended period of time, you would like a way you could stay in touch with your family and friends. The smartest choice by far is to get an International SIM Card. Well, now’s the time when you start comparing various costs to decide on the kind of deals being offered, so you could get a suitable SIM card. Well, that’s perfectly fine.

There are certain factors you would like to be aware of as you decide on to using a global SIM card on a foreign land.  But, the most of the comparisons end between – a monster phone bill and an accomplished communication. Thus, bear with the tips mentioned below:

Customized calling plans

The very first thing you’d like to keep in mind is that overseas communication, regardless of how responsible you happen to be, never come cheap. However, there are some means and ways to cut down on the costs. For example, if you already know that you’d be in touch with a few of closed ones more than anyone else, it’d be more cost-effective to make your global SIM card plan according to your plan. Choosing a plan that makes it more reasonable to receive calls as well as make calls from that very individual’s country would certainly give you some major savings.

Local numbers are not so local as you think

Very few telecom service providers provide desirable deals on their overseas calling rates, however those might be just for some countries. There happens to be a flipside when it comes to using a global calling card instead of a local one. Now, if you are in France and plan on to contacting a French numbers, it will not be charged as local call – instead a global one. If you’re considering staying in one country for an extended period of time, it may be better to opt for a local SIM card and unless you want to keep in touch with your friends and family members frequently. Also, remember to consider the scales to compare the more reasonable options here.

Wireless data – you plan it right

The very same tenet applies to wireless data. Most global SIM card holders are typically surprised to find how much they are charged for usual internet usage at the end of their vacation. In addition to this, if you’re planning a Eurotrip and also hit Germany, Italy and Austria – the smartest move would be to go with a global SIM card. Else, continue with the local-grown SIM card and data service of the country you’re visiting.

Looking for unrealized usage

Today’s smartphones already have an auto feature that allows your mobile phone use the internet data in order to keep itself updated 24*7. It means your Instagram photos, Facebook, Twitter feed and email will never stop getting updates, thanks to the use of Internet that you are not aware of. It’s known as hidden usage of data that your mobile phones have already take for granted, and is adding up your phone bill. You have got to act smart here by turning off al push notifications from your phone’s settings. The well-informed travellers go online only when they need to contact someone important or update something very important and what relevant to their business. They, otherwise, keep their phone switched off. This actually works to save up a lot of data cost.

Going offline

Since you are on a foreign land, odds are that you are going to need that internet to help you out in many circumstances and they are such as grabbing the discounts on certain products or services and also rewarding travel deals. Downloading the Google Map would certainly not be a bad idea. It will help you go wherever you want without staying online. Other than Google Map, you can also opt for Foursquare – that too works offline while helping you find eatery deals nearby. Remember, on this date, it is not the call rates that add up to your phone bill, but the internet which is being the main offender. hence, you should always try to keep it to the minimal, especially when you are away from your homeland.


To travel abroad is indeed expensive affair. You will want to be extra careful about your dreams and bucketlist, lodging, food and commuting expenses. The expense of travel accessories, for example – smartphones, mobile wi-fi, camera for sharing your activities with your friends and family over social media channels must be estimated. Apart from this, you will also want to avoid all possible sources to be misled while choosing an international SIM card.

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