Top SEO Tools For Website Optimisation!

When asked what the meaning of SEO at India is, all of us just rise with an awesome answer saying Search Engine Optimisation. But do any of us know why and how it can be implemented on our pages? Every professional performing SEO agrees that it is a time-consuming process that empties your head only with the motive to bring your website in the first page results of a query being searched for on the search engines. But all this is not possible without using SEO tools that are specifically designed for the purpose of website optimisation. They help us to start with researching keywords along with analysing out data received through SEO campaign results. The biggest advantage of using this is that you can make use of these tools for free of cost! Try using some of these tools and get ready to see the change!
Free SEO tools that can be used!
- Google Ad Words
Those working with SEO are aware of the fact that keywords lay the foundation of getting a website searched when a query is placed. Hence, only with the help of keywords, you will be able to reach one step above on Google's top results every time. Off course, you might be capable enough to make up a list of keywords on your own but that is just shots being fired from the gun in the dark. I am very sure that these ideas might not be of help as compared to what we get through these tools.
In such cases, Google Ad Words Keyword Tool comes in where it helps the advertisers to get noticed through the keywords that are searched for. This tool helps you to find out which other keywords you need to focus on and how much of the estimated traffic can be attracted with each of the suggested keywords. This tool is easy to use since it has a user-friendly interface and not to forget you get to use it without any surplus charges. If you wish you can definitely go in for the paid ones but this tool is considered to be the ultimate leader among the others. Make your choice soon to see better results.
- SEO Book's Rank Checker
If you want to find out if the SEO applied is working in the right way or not then you requires the help of a good rank checking tool that helps you to know the current rankings of your website. This tool works well with both Google Chrome and Firefox. All you have to do is to just add in this plugin and run the checking ranks. You can then get all the exported data which is submitted by the search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing. You need to just enter the URL of your website and the type of keywords you are looking in for. Just wait for few minutes and the rank checker tool will display some of the results along with your rankings. This tool too is user-friendly and works fast as ever.
- SEO Profiler
Another tool that you can go in for is SEO Profiler that gives you the perfect ranking of your website when searched for. This tool here helps you to monitor the working of your web pages in most of the search engines. You can also call this tool as a spy tool since it keeps a check on most of your web pages and gives you the permission to access some of the popular backlinks and keywords. You get to create backlinks of your choice and enhance the search being made so that you rank top in the search results. Hence, this tool not only helps you with some advanced keywords but also shows where you lie among your competitors after using them.
- SEO Power Suite
The last preferred tool here is considered by both big and small business enterprises since it has the capability of getting updated every time. You do not have to break your brains in finding the right keywords since this tool suggests you with some of the best keywords almost every day. It also gives you other suggestions and customised tips for page optimisation. This is the only SEO tool that can suggest you almost 50,000 backlinks for every website and sends you a generated report with the feature of using website optimisation.
As mentioned above you need not pay for the above tools since they are available for free. Hence, these free tools help you to tackle the toughest challenges of optimising and finding keywords. In the end, I would like to conclude that there are many other SEO tools, that will help you to have an effective website optimisation at a lesser cost. All you need to do is research!
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