Top Masterbatches for PPR Pipe and PP Fiber in Industry
Plastic is one of the few materials which has got broad industry application and consumer products. The reason for being a popular choice among consumer is its versatile characteristics and features.
The plastics are cheap and best alternatives to costly metals and materials used earlier in the industry. Further, there are a load of advantages on using plastics - low cost, durability, glossy look, resistant to weather, and high tensile strength among other features giving superior user experience.
However, Masterbatches are behind giving the desired color, strength, and mechanical features found in the simple bottle to packaging products to car part accessories. Quality masterbatches are added with carrier resins in different loading to get the desired outcome in the end products.
One of the great examples of such MB is the Rotofoam masterbatch which enhances UV stability, color fastness, and heat stability of the products. It also helps in products of plastics in the molding process.
PP Fibers masterbatch
Fibers are essential in many applications at industries. Various types of threads are used in processes such as staple fibers, monofilament, textile filament, carpet fiber, and others. To give higher color strength, filterability, spinning, dilutability, and dispersion capability, the Polypropylene fiber masterbatch is used in the manufacturing process. Further, it can be used with many polymers like PE, PBT, PET, and PA for superior results.
PPR Pipe Masterbatch
Plastic pipes are rapidly replacing the costly copper pipes in Europe and other parts of the world. In the plastic piping, the Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPR) is used to make domestic hot and cold water piping systems.
With the use of PPR pipe masterbatch, it provides a superior piping system according to the European standard requirements for taste and odor for water transportation. The unique molecular structure that comes with the use of this MB enables low and high-temperature applications.
Superior plastics prefer by consumers are possible with only high-grades MBs. Demands for the quality MBs and additives are increasing rapidly in the market these days.
We are a leading manufacturer and supplier of color MBs and additives to companies around the globe. Contact us to buy now.