Tips Solo Female Travelers Should Follow When They Travel India

Posted by Ankita Sehgal
Apr 17, 2018
To most westerners, India is a magical land. They are intrigued by its culture and want to witness it at least once in their lifetime. However, India has been portrayed as a woman hostile country by the media and many women travelers shun it for their safety. So, what are the few tips that female solo travelers should follow when they travel to India? 

Respect local customs when it comes to wearing clothes

India like any other country has regions that are liberal and conservative. This is especially reflected in how the women dress up. While in metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Goa one is free to wear as she desires. But in states that are more traditional like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, avoid wearing clothes that are tightly fitted, have plunging necklines and show your legs and shoulders. This should settle down the curious stares that people have. Also, when you visit religious places, do not forget to cover your head with a scarf. 

Be confident and vigilant 

Like any other country, there are many anti-social elements present. So, when you are using local modes of transportation like buses and are at public spaces you might encounter body brushing or even be teasing. Do not be fearful, instead break your silence and express your displeasure. Don't shy away from asking for help or creating a scene. There are many apps for women safety that you could download in your phone to feel safe. 

Avoid public transport at odd hours 

There will be times when you'll get late after a dinner or party. Do not take a local cab or auto. Either book an Uber or Ola or ask your hotel to send a cab.

Travel wisely 

When you are traveling by metro opt for traveling in the women's compartment. Also, book a 2nd or 3rd AC coach when you travel in the Indian railways. Additionally, try booking the upper bunks on the train. When you are commuting by cabs or autos make sure you have your GPS on. Keep a track of where is the driver taking you. Also, if a driver gets any of his ‘friends’ to sit along be firm that no one can accompany or you will take another rickshaw. 

Choose your accommodation wisely 

It is advised that you book your accommodation in advance. There are many backpackers’ hostels and Resorts in Uttrakhand and other parts of India that are safe, clean, and cheap and secure. Under no circumstances book a place that has no online visibility. Send the number and address of your hotel to a trusted person.

These are a few tips you must keep in mind the next time you take a solo trip to India.  

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