Tips On Reducing Glare On Windows

Posted by Lizzy Halery
Nov 26, 2019

Excessive sunshine also streams though east or west-facing windows, leaving these rooms at their hottest point of the day exposed to the sun. In these windows, the light coming from the sun raises the temperature of the room and can hinder things such as reading or watching television. To minimize the haze, you don't have to block out the sun. There are several ways to reduce the glare of the sun while allowing natural light to enter your home using Glare Reduction Film.

Glare Forms You often need more than one approach to minimize daylight glare in your doors because there are two forms of glare to deal with. The glow of blindness is caused by daylight that reflects or hides everything you look at. This glare is direct, often from above, and it works like a veil that obscures things such as printed text and TV screens. The glare of pain happens when the light is sharper than the source that emerges from the face of the object you are staring at. Your eyes are trying to focus on the task at hand, but there's so much light coming in from the side of the eye that it's hard for you to focus on long periods of vision and the result of headaches and eye fatigue.

Window Film Cover windows facing south and west with temporary window film to block direct sunlight. The movie was designed specifically to block the sun's ultraviolet rays but still requires some natural light to pass through. Mount and uninstall heat-control window film in the early spring. Such movies are often recycled, but easily pack the product away and recycle the spring that follows. Do not use a double-pane window heat-control video.

In terms of temperature and glare, the afternoon sunshine is often the most distracting. To effectively block direct sunlight, mount a roof overhang, such as an awning on the outside of your house. Another choice is to add shutters that can be opened and closed as appropriate.

Draperies and shades

Rolling solar shades give you a little more flexibility than awnings or window films because you can open or close them if desired and choose colors to suit your decor. From early morning to afternoon, pull the shades down to block the harshest glare of the sun, while still allowing direct light into your residence. Another option to use is to hang thermal curtains instead of sheers or thin fabric draperies, either in conjunction with shades or on its own. You can also use Glass Tinting if nothing works out.


Trees during the winter months can also provide excellent glare-blocking and shade. Plant a tree on your home's western side in a location that shades west-facing windows during the winter months from the afternoon sun.

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