Thesis Writing Do’s And Dont’s

Posted by Arif Rashid
Nov 27, 2018

If you are in the college or university, you will have to write a thesis which usually contributes to a large portion of the final grade. It is better to be prepared than be sorry later. Hence, future thesis writers must be aware of what they should be doing and what they must avoid while writing a thesis. This way, one can avoid doing some mistakes that can affect the end work largely.

If you have to write a thesis for the course you are enrolled in or will in the future, you must give this blog a read to know what you should and shouldn’t do while writing a thesis.


·         Choose a topic which you will take forward with you in your life- The topic you will choose for your thesis paper will show the career direction you will take in your future. Hence, you must give much consideration after choosing the topic. Along with this, writing a thesis is also very time consuming, so, you must select one with which you won’t get bored after a while. It is best to think about your topic from the time you are doing your master’s or from the days of your previous degree.  

·         Be in touch with your supervisor- It is extremely important for you to be in contact with your professor or advisor constantly. Any confusion you have regarding writing the thesis paper, you can contact your supervisor. You must clearly understand what guidelines and rules you will have to follow while writing the thesis. Even if you are not facing any problem, you must keep in touch with the supervisor to update him or her about your progress. You don’t want to know about any changes that you need to make in your paper at the last moment.

·         Start early- You will not even know how the time will pass by in which you had to write the thesis paper. Hence, make sure that you start early to write your thesis.


·         Don’t leave hope in the midway- It may happen that you feel that the thesis is just not getting completed even when you are writing it for days. But, you should not stop writing it due to that. If you put all of your efforts into it, the thesis writing will get finished easily. But before you start with your thesis, you should prepare yourself knowing that it will take time for this academic task to get completed.

·         Don’t avoid taking seminars, tutorials on your topic- You must attend several seminars, tutorials on the topics that interest you. You can start it from your early academic years. This will help you to get prepared for writing the thesis from long before.

·         Don’t rush into writing the paper- You should always give enough time into making the plan for writing the thesis. Also, don’t panic and take some rest in between working on your term paper.

If you keep these points in mind, you will not have much difficulty to successfully write an excellent thesis paper. 

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