The Reasons Why You Shouldn't Drive In The Summer With Winter Tyres.

Posted by Treadmark Wheels
Nov 1, 2022

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the many reasons why it is not a good idea to keep your car equipped with winter tyres throughout the warm summer months. The arguments put forward are very convincing, and we are confident that you will agree with us.

There are a variety of factors that contribute to the importance of having winter Tyre Nottingham throughout the winter season. To provide the maximum possible traction in icy and snowy road conditions, they get constructed out of specific rubber compounds that are flexible and are also designed with distinctive tread patterns. They deliver the highest level of performance in icy conditions and wintry precipitation, giving drivers the confidence and security they need to navigate potentially dangerous situations.

However, even though such tyres are without a doubt the unrivalled victor when it comes to colder regions, the very characteristics that make them so advantageous in such conditions also make them less desirable in warmer environments. If there is no ice or snow on the road, you won't need your tyres' biting edges to offer traction.

1. Winter tyres don't like warm roads

On a warm asphalt surface, a winter tire's tread will wear out much more quickly since it is softer. It's the rubber composition, which is thru to maintain its elasticity even when subjected to temperatures as low as 7 degrees Celsius (46 degrees Fahrenheit).

It is particularly effective at minimizing the detrimental impact that low temperatures can have and it provides traction in conditions that are typical of winter.

However, if you use a set of winter tyres throughout the year, the flexible tread will wear down more quickly in warmer weather. If you use a set of winter tyres all year long. It can be as much as a 60 per cent reduction in the lifespan of the product. If you don't take them down at the start of spring like you normally would, there's a good possibility you'll need to replace them sooner rather than later.

The usage of all-season or summer tyres is what we suggest when the temperature is high. The rubber that goes into the production of summer tyres is a special formulation that allows it to endure greater temperatures. If you drove your car in the winter, the compounds that are cast off to make summer tyres would quickly become hard and brittle.

On the other hand, all-season tyres can endure temperatures that are lower, in addition to being cast off in hot and dry situations. All-season tyres are an option for motorists who live in areas of the country where winters are generally mild (temperatures rarely dip below freezing) and snowfall is uncommon.

On the other hand, it is essential to keep in mind that summer tyres and winter tyres are both designed with the specific climate in mind.

Contact your neighbourhood dealer for some one-on-one guidance if you are unsure which tyre size is best for your vehicle.

2. Reduction in fuel economy

Another important fact to keep in mind is that you will wind up spending more money on fuel if you drive during the summer with winter tyres.

A winter tyre has a rolling resistance that is noticeably higher than that of a summer tyre or an all-season tyre when the pavement is warm. This is because the softer rubber compound is more prone to form change. It will lead to increased rolling resistance, which will result in an increase in fuel consumption, which will mean that you will need to visit the gas station more frequently than is necessary.

3. Effects on the way it is the lounge and on safety

Your vehicle will not have the ideal handling capabilities for safety during the warm weather months if you do not switch to all-season or summer tyres. This is especially true if you are vital to make abrupt bends while driving.

Let's assume a situation in which a motorist needs to do an unexpected manoeuvre. The grip provided by winter tyres on dry pavement is inadequate. In precarious circumstances, the handling will not be as responsive as it ought to be. Additionally, the distance required to halt is set up.

In the long run, Car Tyres Nottingham gets driven on throughout the spring, summer, and fall. All the way up to the next winter will most likely have tread blocks worn down (because of their softer compound). If your winter tyres have insufficient tread depth, they won't be able to give as much grip or traction on snowy and icy roads, which is a significant element that affects driving safety.

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