The internet marketing dead
Zombies and internet marketers have a lot in common, both are based on brainless actions.
The Zombie virus spreads exponentially. A zombie bites a human and infects them with the virus. The infected humans bite more humans and infect them creating more zombies.
The internet marketer comes across a website promising easy riches for no effort. They join that site and then promote the site to others who join thus spreading a scam exponentially. In both cases this occurs because the brain is not being used.
Well as we know from numerous Zombie movies and TV shows, not all
humans become Zombies, some survive. They survive because they have
enough intelligence to recognize the zombies for what they are and then
they shoot them in the head.One less Zombie shambling around to bite you.
Internet Marketing has it’s own survivors. These are people who use their intellect to evaluate the scams. They see them for what they are and there are a lot of ‘Daryl Dixon’ types in the IM world, like Internet Scams Anonymous. They recognize these scams and expose them, that means that there should be one less scam out there to burn you right?
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Comments (15)
Vikram Chahal
Event Executive
Vishwajeet Kumar
Very funny video cheryl. Thanks for sharing this.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
To give AMC credit, they have been very smart in handling publicity for this show by keeping the buzz going between 'seasons'. They have kept their viewers interested unlike Falling Skies which just disappeared into limbo for a year. Any anticipation I felt about the new season is long gone now. Come to think about it maybe there is a lesson in there for marketers. Out of sight, out of mind.
Jasmine A.
Another Great Day Ahead! =)
lmbo, I must say you have a way with words cheryl...! You have a very imaginative way of putting words together and creating them into a different form, that is also recognizable for readers. Like andrew mentioned, I also freshen up with the old shows right around the time for the newer shows. =)
Luqman Sulyman
web Designer, Resarcher, I.T Consultant.
very made my day.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I just happened to think about the fact that much of what people fall for in Internet Marketing is so obvious that you would think only the brain dead would fall it.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
You can catch the full first season on Netflix if you have it. It is one of the better shows on TV right now.
Yeah Mike In my Opinion this is the best show on tv
"the walking dead" you can see more videos on youtube
the new shows come out next month i would watch the older ones and catch up
because they are all good and it is good to see the ones from the past so
you know why things are the way they are
Mike Lowry, D.O.
Rastelli Direct IBP
Wow, that video looks so real.
Well done ! This deserves a standing ovation..
Many years ago
i received this email about how i was going to get a big bank transfer
I told my dad about it I remember my dad telling me
if it sound too good to be true it probably is ..
He was so right avoid the hype people can say anything
And what is worse is when they get other unsuspecting people to spread
the lies and deception.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I've been wanting to use that animated photo somewhere! I certainly feel like wandering around the internet sometimes and just tagging the spammers and scammers with an arrow to the head and telling them shut up myself at times!
Fredrick adu
This is too funny.
Laura Newton
The Water Filter Lady
LOL I know Cheryl. Its rampant. Oh well... Let them live and learn. What else can ya do?
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Glad you liked it Laura! Some of these people just remind me of zombies the way they promote anything and everything under the sun, even when it's an obvious scam.
Laura Newton
The Water Filter Lady
LMAO .... That was absolutely Hillarious Cheryl! You are too funny. Loved it. :)