Healthy coffee? Now about just plain good coffee

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
May 10, 2013
If you have been around here a while, you know me and you know that I do not promote anything I don't believe in. And now I'm promoting Organo Gold Coffee.  I'm not going to go into the health benefits of the coffee which is infused with organic Guanoderma, I don't by my coffee based on 'health benefits'.  I buy my coffee based on taste. If you want to know the health benefits then give google a try, you'll find everything you could possibly want to know about health benefits.  I'm going to tell you why I like it, taste.

I grew up drinking percolated coffee, There was a flavor and richness to percolated coffee that you will never get from an automatic drip coffee maker.  Believe me I have tried.  I even invested in a coffee mill and only buy whole bean coffee.  I grind me beans down to a very fine powder, and still I can't recreate that rich smooth flavor of my youth.  I'm more apt to end up with a bitter cup of coffee.  Like everyone else I simply...adapted to the taste.

Enter Organo Gold Cafe Noir.  One taste took me back to my youth.  That rich well developed coffee taste you can't find anymore outside of a Starbucks.  If you have ever been to Starbucks (or any other quality coffee house) you know their coffee doesn't taste anything like the stuff you make at home.  It is richer and more flavorful and if you like cream and sugar in your coffee, Starbucks stands up to the additions without losing the coffee flavor.  Organo Gold in my opinion has an even richer flavor than a Starbucks house blend and it's much cheaper than Starbucks too.

I know have a cup of Starbucks quality coffee at my finger tips any time I want it because Organo Gold gives you that rich flavor taste in an instant coffee.  I just grab my favorite mug, dump a packet into the cup, add hot water and enjoy.  I don't have to leave my house and it's not costing me upwards of $2 per cup.

For me this is not coffee, it's a cup of yummy nostalgia.
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