Staying Cool in Sweltering Heat: An AC Maintenance Guidebook

Posted by Roberts Tyres
Jul 27, 2018

English people love their summers.

The temperature has finally settled at a comfortable range.

The sun shines in all its glory.

There is a gentle breeze and the occasional rains.

It’s lovely all around!

Until their car’s air conditioner breaks down, that is. Suddenly, the temperature feels too high for comfort, the sun seems to be blazing, and the gentle breeze isn’t helping anymore. You need that comfort of cold air coming through the vents.

You guessed it right! It’s time for that long overdue air conditioning recharge.

Air conditioning is an essential feature included in any car today. The bad news is that it breaks down occasionally. The good news is you can spot the issues before they become severe. A simple aircon regas from a reliable garage like Roberts Tyres Sleaford can fix most of it.

But how will you know that it’s time for the servicing of your car’s air conditioning unit? You just have to look out for these simple signs:

·         Your cabin is warmer than usual

This one’s fairly obvious. Your air condition’s only job is to keep the temperature down. When it fails to do that correctly, there’s something wrong with it.

The most likely suspect in this matter is the condenser. When the condenser is not working correctly, it fails to cool or regulate the refrigerant, which in turn, fails to cool the air.

It can also mean that the level of refrigerant is running low, which fortunately can be fixed with a simple aircon regas from renowned auto workshops like Roberts Tyres Sleaford.

Either way, it’ll be a good idea to visit a trained mechanic whenever you’re A/C starts blowing hot air instead of cold.

·         There’s an odd smell in the cabin

Cold, dark and damp- that’s what it is like inside your car’s A/C. These conditions are what fungi and other micro-organisms thrive in. The A/C remains inactive during the winter months, and that is when it is most likely to happen.

So, if you encounter any strange odour that doesn’t belong in your cabin, rush to a professional garage. The microbes are harmful not only for the A/C but also for you. You might be breathing them in unknowingly, which may be a serious health concern.

·         The noise is killing your quiet ride

Who doesn’t love a quiet ride back home after a long day at work? Failure in the air conditioning system can ruin that for you. A mechanical breakdown in any of the parts of the A/C can lead to a multitude of sounds, none of which will be pleasant to your ears.

It might be a leak somewhere in the pipes or a broken compressor part. Whatever it is, it requires immediate attention from a qualified mechanic.

Most of these problems are easily diagnosed and can be fixed in no time. More often than not, an air condition recharge is all it needs. However, if you don’t get it fixed immediately and let it fester, the compressor will be severely compromised and will require replacement, which, unfortunately, is quite a costly affair.

So, the next time you encounter these problems or any other issues concerning your A/C, visit a professional air condition repair garage in Sleaford or your neighborhood without wasting another minute. You’ll thank yourself later.

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