Spammy Comments, a thing of the past.

I used to get about 95% spammy comments on my blogs. Not anymore.
How do you fight the spammers?. I bought CommentLuv.
After I bought CommentLuv Premium. Those spammy comments are a thing of the past. Now I can set my blog to auto aprove comments without the fear of those comments being spammy and I can give do-follow links to those that deserve it.
The only way anyone deserve a do-follow link is when they give comments related to the content of the blog post or page. CommentLuv Premium even prevent the auto comment bots and programs from leaving spammy comments on your blog.
Check this video to see what CommentLuv Premium can do for you.
If you liked what you saw, Why wait any longer. Go get it.
There are no other spam prevention traffic increasing commenting wordpress plugin like this on the planet.
Read my new post on Abraham's Tips where I give some tips on ethical commenting.
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Comments (23)
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
@Marcy. Do you use the premium version or the free version. Just asking because the premium version have a lot more functionality than the free version.
Qaim Abbas
Online Money Maker
I am a new user of Apsense and also internet. I just want to say that it is a better for every one and it is very useful for all. Thanks.
Marcy McManaway
Marketing Specialist
Great plugin... I use it too.
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
@Manali. That is just it. The hidden form field is hidden from people who is browsing your website. So they cannot see it when they try to post a comment. The comment bots however try to fill every field of the comment form, including the hidden field. Comment bots see the forms to be filled differently than people see it. When the form is submitted, with the hidden field filled, then the comment automatically goes to spam.
PS: the CommentLuv Premium are only available at the reduced price ti
Manali Patel
SEO firm
@Abraham van But let me ask one thing that how CommentLuv can determine that the person who try to filling the hidden form is spammer. May it not be spammer or its comment is related and useful for the blog. So would you please tell us something more about this form what kind of it is and how it will prevent the spam.
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
Ok, Let me paint the picture of the robot thing. Person (A) have a program on his/her computer that allows him/her to make mass comments on different blogs. Person (A) type in a generic comment into that program. That program then post the generic comment on a lot of blogs. In most cases those comments are completely unrelated to the blog post. Akismet do not stop those kind of comments. The CommentLuv premium have a module that stop that type of comment. Person (B) is the owner of the blog. He
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I understand the power of CummentLuv, it's the robot thing I am skeptical
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
Yep it does seem that way, but it's all true. I have been using the free CommentLuv plugin for years now. With the latest version of the free plugin, the unique traffic to my blogs have more than trippled, because I offer the commentors a choice of 10 of their recent posts to link back to. But the free version does not help fight the comment bots. With the premium vrsion I expect the traffic to at least stay the same if not increasing. With the added social enticements and bot comment elliminati
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
It seems a little too miraculous to me, what CLP does
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
Yes Philippe, You are right. For business purposes it does ask a monthly fee. But if you buy and use CommentLuv premium you can use the free version of Akismet and never pay anything to them or even CommentLuv again.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Abraham, Akismet is not free, they do ask for a monthly payment if used for business purposes.
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
If anyone want to comment on Abraham's Tips and did not see a comment form. Sorry about that. It's fixed now. Please go and comment to your heart's content.
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
@Vishwajeet. Thanks. although your comment might be considered a bit spammy. Please elaborate what you consider the 100% facts. And maybe what you like about it.
Vishwajeet Kumar
Very Well written & describing the 100% facts, i really like it.
Abraham Van der Lind...
Online Entrepreneur
Thanks for the comments everyone.
@Philippe. Akismet is free. CommentLuv is free too. No monthly charges. CommentLuv Premium however cost $40 one-time fee at the moment untill Tuesday 04/10/2011. I bought it and I still use Akismet.
@Jaunesk. Akismet however does NOT stop the comment bots. CommentLuv Premium do.
@Cindy. I did not delete Rhine Stone's comment, just to show its the wrong way to do things. But that does not mean I will tolerate it everytime. :)
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I pay for Akismet, Jaunesk, it's worth $5 a month for the time it saves me.
Sean Kwan
Philippe, I believe Akismet is FREE but you need an API to activate it. Actually, you don't need Comment Luv, Akismet does a very good job in filtering your blog comment, all you need to do is to manually approved the comment. Once the comment is approved, the subsequent comment from the same person will be approved automatically.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Abraham, with CommentLuv, I wouldn't need Akismet? How much does it cost per month?
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
@Rhine Stonne, we are not allowed to put links in comments, it's like trying to steal the spotlight from the author of the article. Please delete your comment and repost it without the link, or you might be reported for abuse, there's a link for that at the bottom of every page at APSense.
Cindy Bolley
@Rhine Stonne You wouldn't be SPAMMING with your link in your post would you??????.... I would have asked the same question as Ayojide...... Some of the stupid stuff that people add as a comment.. I can not believe they would think that I would actually approve it.. Silly People. I think for the time being I will just continue to do it manually but thanks for the info about that plug-in... good to know for the future.. Cindy