Are you trustworthy as a marketer?

Sep 27, 2011
For years we’ve seen digital “product launches”…  we’ve all

become accustomed to it, a few pre-launch videos, maybe a

free giveaway and then the big “reveal.”  It’s all good and in

many cases very useful stuff, at the very least its educational

and entertaining. But lately, there has been quite a few

“launches” that spewed outright lies on the industry.

Outrageous claims, fictitious product creators portrayed by

paid actors, fabricated and doctored images to serve as

income proof for a product that can’t do what it claims or

might not even exist.

We are all trying to make a living on the internet, but the

scammers are making it exceedingly difficult for us.

Now there is a place where marketers get together and agree

to abide by 12 ethical rules. To do their marketing in an

ethical manner and help each other to re-gain the trust of the


Read my review on this subject for further information

you can brand yourself as an ETHICAL marketer and

stamp out the scammers and snakes of the industry.

Read my review here.

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Comments (7)
Sumit Chakraborty

Internet Marketer

hello Mr.Abraham, thanks for sharing this wonderful information with us, faith is very important in business but due to some spammers it is being spoiled. i liked your article it is very informative, hope to here some more reviews from you.

Sep 30, 2011 Like it
Malok Mading

Writer and Blogger.

Hi Mr.Abra,
Great review and I shall pass by to read your other review too! It is true that some marketers are killing trust in exchange of "dirty money" which is exploding everywhere. It is recommended that marketers embrace true values and ethics in marketing so as to be successful.
Your article is awesome and informing!

Sep 29, 2011 Like it
Abraham Van der Lind...

Online Entrepreneur

Thanks for the comments everyone.

@Zebgul. The comment form on my site is fixed now. There was a problem with the theme I used. If you still want to comment. Please do. I'm using the premium version of CommentLuv, If you give it a google plus 1 then Ithe url of your comment gets a do-follow link.

Sep 29, 2011 Like it
Marius Wlassak

Business Media Consultant

Very informative article and for sure the way to go.

Sep 28, 2011 Like it
Aurang Zeb Awan

Content Writer

Your review page is not allowing to post comments by demanding password, what to do plz check?

Sep 28, 2011 Like it
Aurang Zeb Awan

Content Writer

Very true and I am also the victim of those spammers, That's why I tried to do some good work to gain some trust deficit back so I love to join that group if you show me the path

Sep 28, 2011 Like it
amazing Tim

Business consultant

Thank you for your informative article. cograts

Sep 28, 2011 Like it
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