Some Important Blood Tests You Should Know About

Posted by Shaina Verma
Apr 13, 2020

Blood tests are a vital part of regular health checkups. Getting blood tests at regular intervals can help people to check the way their body and health change with time and helps them take care of it accordingly. Usually, doctors prescribe that everyone should get a routine blood test done at least once a year, which can help doctors to spot any health issue at the initial stage itself. People can easily book a test on any reputed health checkup app.

Here are some most important blood tests that are prescribed by doctors:

Complete blood count

A CBC test is a vital part of health checkup packages that evaluates the levels of diverse components in each important cell in the blood. These components include platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells. Irregular blood test reports of these components may be signs of:

· Iron deficiency

· Tissue inflammation

· Bone marrow issues

· Nutritional deficiencies like vitamin B12 and B6

· Cancer

· Heart conditions

· Infections

Complete metabolic panel

This blood test measures the BMP and proteins and substances relevant to liver function. These include:

· Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

· Albumin

· Bilirubin

· Total protein

· Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)

· Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)

The abnormal levels of these substances may indicate that a person has the chances of liver damage, cancer, gallbladder inflammation, and hepatitis.

Thyroid panel

The thyroid is a small gland in the neck that controls functions such as energy level, mood, and metabolism. The blood test for thyroid panel is done for checking how effectively thyroid is producing and accessing specific hormones.

· Triiodothyronine (T3) – It regulates the body temperature and heart rate.

· Thyroxine (T4) – It is done to regulate the metabolism and how a person grows.

· Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) – It regulates the levels of the hormone that thyroid releases.

· T3 resin uptake (RU) – It evaluates how properly thyroxin-binding globulin, a specific hormone, is binding.

Coagulation tests

This blood test is done to check how much time it takes for the blood to clot. These include the fibrinogen activity test and the prothrombin time (PT) test. Clotting is a vital function that helps prevent bleeding after a wound. However, a clot in the artery or vein can be harmful, obstructing blood flow to the heart, brain, and lungs that can cause heart strokes or attack. The outcome of this blood test can be used to spot the following conditions:

· Liver problems

· Thrombosis

· Excessive bleeding (hemophilia)

· Vitamin K deficiency

· Acute myeloid leukemia

C-reactive protein test

C-reactive protein is created by the liver when tissues in the body are swollen. Increased CRP levels in a blood test point toward inflammation due to various causes, including:

· Infection

· Cancer

· Artery inflammation

· Lupus

· Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

· Heart disease

· Rheumatoid arthritis

these are some important blood tests that are done to check the diverse health conditions of an individual.  Since all these blood tests are important and play a vital role in keeping a track of the overall health, one must choose the most reputed diagnostic centre or health check up app for ensuring quick and most accurate results.  

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