Simple Web Design Changes to Reduce Your Site’s Bounce Rate

Posted by Ryan M.
Jan 31, 2020

Bringing down the bounce rate of your website improves its conversion rate. It’s simple math.

You have a good website that attracts a great deal of traffic, too. But the only problem is that the traffic doesn’t stick around on your site.

And if the traffic doesn’t stay on your website, you won’t be able to get more email sign-ups. Neither will you be able to acquire the right amount of leads that can later be nurtured into clients.

Sounds familiar?

Don’t worry.

Because there’s a way out of avoiding high bounce rates and eventually improving conversion rates.

In this post, we’re going to cover a few simple-to-implement web design changes that’ll let you do just that. With these changes implemented, you’ll inspire your site visitors to stick around on the page long enough to become customers.

Ready? Let’s go.

Getting the content flow right

Expecting your visitors to find your beautifully crafted content on your site is asking for too much. Seriously.

When you want to improve your website, you’ll want to improve the content flow. That way, the visitors will find anything they’re looking for on your site.

For example, the end of one gallery of images should transition into something similar. The slideshow should be automatic. And all that jazz.

Just notice how Google does it with its Image section. There, you can scroll the page and the content automatically loads so you don’t have to click on any other page.

That’s content transition at its best!

Bringing down the load times

Long wait-times turn off even the most loyal site visitors.

Patience isn’t an internet surfer’s strong suit.

What’s your site’s load time? If it’s over 3 seconds, the visitors will bounce.

Worst of all, they’ll keep bouncing if you’re not taking concrete steps for cutting back your site’s load time.

In such times, visitors will bounce to your competitor’s website where the same info or service is quickly available.

How can you bring down your site’s load time?

Well, here are a bunch of neat and battle-tested tricks to do just that.

·         Optimizing the images on the site so that they can load quickly

·         Getting rid of some unnecessary widgets, scripts, or plug-ins

·         Replacing the conventional “Loading” message with something more interactive such as adding a timer

Knowing the bouncers inside out

Top self-help tools deliver DIY website development in Atlanta and other parts of the US.

And these tools even have integration with other tools that provide in-depth analyses of how, when, and why visitors left your website. That’s how you can change your strategy accordingly.

Diving deep into these analyses will help you figure out exactly why your page wasn’t performing that well.

Put simply, visitors may bounce from your site because of two reasons: low-quality content or some technical issues such as page rendering.

Once you know the root cause of the problem, you’ll be able to address it better.

Positioning the ads strategically

Too many ads turn off even the most frequent visitors on your site.

But if you don’t place ads, your revenue cycle will take a hit.

That means you’ll have to balance everything.

Well, then, the only solution is to position the ads strategically. That way, you’ll make sure you’re not annoying your visitors.

For example, don’t place the ad too close to the navigation bar. Likewise, don’t play any video ad immediately after the visitor has landed on the site. These are all web design bad practices that you should avoid.

Other than that, these are a few things that you have to keep in mind for reducing the bounce rate.

Improving content accessibility

Your visitors must be everything to you.

With that mindset, you must do anything possible to improve their experience on the site.

One thing that sure adds to the browsing experience is having a solid navigational structure. The thing is, the navigational structure should make it easy for your visitors to access content.

A case in point: If you make the website text small, then it may ruin the overall user experience or UX. Similarly, if your website is talking directly to the C-suite workforce, then avoid using childish or comical fonts.

All these things matter a lot.

Final thoughts

Now, you know some simple-to-introduce web design changes that’ll bring down your site’s bounce rate.

Tell us in the comments about the tip that you’ll introduce first on your website to bring down its bounce rate.

Have any other cool web design tips in mind that may have reduced bounce rate on your website? Share them with us below—we’re all eyes.

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