Silicone Wristbands: Use Latex Free Accessories to Support Any Disease

Posted by Billie Jean B.
May 20, 2016
Over the years, silicone wristbands have become one of the most powerful promotional tools on the market, especially among young people. Apart from being a powerful fashion statement, they have also changed the way people fight for various causes, making it easy to convey literally any message to the whole world. What’s more, they look quite stylish and attractive.

Why Choose Latex Free Wristbands?
Everyone should recognize the need to switch from latex to latex-free products in the near future. Coming into contact with products containing latex may trigger a serious allergic reaction. The American Latex Allergy Association estimates that up to 1% (3 million people) of the population in the U.S. are latex sensitive. Symptoms can include runny nose, sneezing, reddened eyes, chest tightness or asthma.

Many online vendors offer custom accessories, advertised as “pure silicone”, but they are typically made with a combination of silicone and latex. This not only makes them less durable, but also potentially dangerous and even life-threatening. We at Amazing Wristbands never use cheap fillers such as latex. All our products are made of latex-free and non-allergenic silicone.

Customized silicone wristbands can be implemented for a variety of purposes. Many social welfare organizations use them to support their campaigns. As they are a highly customizable, NGOs can combine their names with a good cause. It is our duty to create awareness about symptoms and precautionary measures against various diseases. This can be made easily with the help of latex-free silicone bands. As you probably already know, our products can be personalized with unique messages. That way any silicone bracelet can contain causes, symptoms, and precautions regarding a disease. Most people are unaware about the contagious infections that may even threaten their lives. Water contamination is a main cause for illnesses. Education is the best tool to increase consciousness among the community. Volunteering activity might also be required. In order to help awareness programs, bands with awareness messages can be distributed in various public places or events.

Why Choose Amazing Wristbands?
Amazing Wristbands offers you a variety of options in any color. We use the Pantone Color Matching System. Wristbands can be made with glittering or glowing effects. These are quite amazing. The bands are made in various styles, including debossed, embossed, ink-filled, screen-printed and more. You can also try our cool adjustable slap bands. All wristbands are available in four major sizes: small, medium, large and extra-large. You don’t have to worry whether your message will be visible. The width of the bands varies from 1/4 inch to 1 inch. Artworks showing good health habits can be given away at school concerts, marathons, family reunions and many more.

At Amazing Wristbands we offer:
100% silicone.
NO MOLD FEE on any quantity of custom wristbands.
FREE Shipping in the U.S.
Unlimited artwork revisions.
FREE Color Matching.
10 - 15 day production.

Go to our online tool and design your own latex-free wristbands today!

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