Sikh wedding etiquette
Do I have to wear different outfits throughout the day? Yes, everybody attending a Sikh wedding must change two outfits: one for the Temple ceremony, which has to be more conservative, and one for the evening reception.
How conservative should my Temple outfit be? There are no restrictions in terms of outfits appropriate for the temple ceremony. But heads should be covered at all times during this ceremony, in women’s case. However, given the fact that during the ceremony the guests are sitting on the floor, a dress might be uncomfortable to wear. Consider a pair of plain suit pants if you want to have increased levels of comfort.
What behaviour is prohibited at the temple? Like in any other confessions, you must restrain yourself from certain behaviour during a temple ceremony. Smoking, drinking, directing your feet to the Holy Book and clapping after speeches are some of the things you can forget about when it comes to Sikh wedding ceremonies. But after all, these are common sense behaviour everybody expects from their guests, regardless of the religion in matter.
Are there any specific things I should do after I reach the temple? Yes, in Sikh temples one enters only after removing their shoes and socks, if necessary, and only after they cover their heads. You can use one of the head scarves offered at the entrance at the temple, or you can opt for a personal piece. It should be worn like you would usually use a regular headscarf. However, do not forget to bring one with you, because Indian destination weddings organisers cannot provide one for each of the guests.
Are there any colours I should avoid clothing wise? Typically, black and white outfits should be avoided. But this happens in all wedding ceremonies, since they are considered to bring bad luck to the new couple. Make sure you are not the back sheep of their guests and avoid those.
Anything I should worry about at the reception? No, you should treat it like any other wedding reception where the guests and the family are celebrating the new couple. However, expect to have the dinner served later than in other cases, since the reception is usually a buffet style reception.
Here are a couple of things one should consider before attending a Sikh wedding. There are no severe restrictions nor are there severe mistakes one could make. Only make sure you follow these simple etiquette rules, and you should be just fine.
If you are interested in finding out more about a destination Sikh wedding or Indian destination weddings, please click on the links here!
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