Signs Your Car Tires Need to be Replaced

Posted by Kevin Smith
Mar 17, 2018

Over time, it's normal for your car's tires to get worn down and need replacing. It's important to avoid driving with tires that are worn and misshapen to prevent endangering yourself on the road. However, here are a few signs to be on the lookout for when your car's tires need to be replaced and scrapped at a tire disposal in Chase, MI.

Tread Depth

your car's tire treads shouldn't less than 1/16 of an inch in depth. However, you can use a gauge to measure the tire treads of your car to see when they need replacing. Or, if you're on a budget, you can use a penny and insert it into the tread. If Lincoln's head is still visible, you need a new tire. However, if the head disappears completely, you're good to go.

Cracks in the Sidewall

The tread of your tire isn't going to be the only problem area; there can also be issues with the sidewall too. However, it's much easier to diagnose the side wall of your tire since you only have to look at it. When reviewing the sidewall of your tire, be on the lookout for cuts or tracks that may be visible. If there are noticeable marks on the tire, be sure to have it replaced immediately. Also, if you notice air coming out of the crack in the sidewall of your tire, take the assumption that it needs to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. 

Bulges or Blisters

One of the easiest ways to tell if your tires need replacing is looking at the surface of them. If there are bulges or blisters on the surface of the tire, it's on its way to pop, which is the last thing you want to happen. If there are weak spots on your car's tires, be sure to get it replaced as soon as you can to avoid getting it blown out.

What to Do with the Busted Tire

Once you've noticed that the tires on your car need to be replaced, it's important you head over to the garage to install a new one. Although the mechanic will usually dispose of it on their own, you can get it scrapped at a tire disposal in Chase, MI. Occasionally, mechanics charge for getting rid of busted tires, so going this route can ultimately save you money.

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