Why You Should Replace Your Furnace Filter Regularly

Posted by Kevin Smith
Aug 29, 2017

Home ownership provides many benefits, but it also comes with plenty of responsibilities. One of the most important things to do as a homeowner is maintenance on the various components of your building. While there are a lot of projects that require professional assistance, there are quite a few you can do by yourself. Here are a few reasons why regular filter replacement is a crucial chore for anyone who relies on heating and air conditioning in Villa Rica or any other city.


Cut Down on Electrical Usage

Your climate control system uses a lot of electricity to make the building comfortable, and a dirty air filter could drive your bills sky high. Clogged filters force the unit to work harder for every cubic foot of air drawn into the compressor, and that means more power consumption and longer sessions of operation. If you’ve experienced a higher-than-usual utility bill, the culprit could be that small piece of cardboard and paper in the furnace.


Extend the Life of Your Equipment

Climate control equipment requires a strong airflow for efficient operation, and a dirty filter restricts the intake. Think of how hard it is to drink orange juice through a straw clogged with pulp, and you understand the effect dirty filters have on air conditioning in Villa Rica. The harder your system works to operate, the shorter the lifespan of the equipment. You’ve invested a lot of money in your comfort device, so why not prolong its life with frequent replacement of a relatively inexpensive component?


Cut Down on Allergens

If someone in your house suffers from allergies, the summer months can be especially irritating. Not only does the sufferer have to deal with pollen from flowers outside, he or she gets to experience the sandstorm of dust, dirt and pet dander coming out of the ductwork. Clogged filters can become magnets for these offensive particulates and significantly degrade the air quality in the building. By replacing the filter regularly, you’ll help your loved ones breathe easier throughout the entire year.


A Simple Task

These are just three great reasons to frequently replace the filter for your air conditioning in Villa Rica, but there are more benefits to this task. Depending on the size of the product, you’re only looking at an investment of a few dollars every month, which is much more affordable than a repair to your equipment. There are even subscription services available to send you new filters as a reminder that it’s time for a switch. 

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