Secure Access to Sage ACT Online Software

Posted by John Cox
May 4, 2016

ACT is contact customer management software developed and marketed by Sage for small and medium enterprises. This application was further embraced by self-employed professionals for their startups. The application has unlimited space to store the client data of the prospect customer and existing customer. The automated software secures the client data automatically in the database as the Sage ACT has predefined functionalities to make the process of customer management simpler. Sage is popular firm that offers customized products to its customers on demand hence businesses that required on demand tailor made product should contact Sage. ACT has features that automatically secures the client data and integrates the app from any source. Sage ACT is best-selling product because the application has been designed in easy language so that users can perfectly operate the applications. Its customer data manager source and only authorized users have access permission to get the application data. Some users may be new to this application hence Sage has offered many sources to enhance the applications knowledge. Users with less knowledge on the customer contact software can switch to the free trial software which is a 30 day offer.

Sage ACT application knowledge:

30 day trial version of the sage ACT is active from the date of installation which users must ensure to get the most benefit of the application knowledge sharing before it expires. Apart from 30 day trial some other methods are webinars that runs live and recorded. Videos are numerous all of which explains the software functionality and tutorials can be considered anytime. Sage ACT can integrate with Microsoft products, MAC, UNIX and Linux software thus making the application to integrate from the defined data source and retrieve the client data. Multiple user access is permitted to users with a valid login. All the users of the applications having access can login and share the graphical user interface system. ACT is compatible software solution to most devices therefore users have flexibility to share the app on any system and there is no requirement for system configuration. Sage ACT online is the process to define the method of hosting of the contact customer management application. Many firms have been hosting the application on cloud due to unlimited benefits of the web hosting while desktop hosting is the on premise hosting of the ACT application.

Sage ACT Online is cloud server hosting solution which is provided at low cost to enterprises by hosting providers. Desktop hosting is traditional and secured hosted on local servers that are managed by professionals.  Professionals manage infrastructure, maintenance and IT costs at local servers while the same is managed online by the cloud hosting service providers. Sage ACT online add-ons and add-ins are available for customers while updates to the applications are automatically updated in the system. Cloud hosting is secure and reliable hence many firms have migrated their hosting method from desktop to cloud. Hosting providers deliver cost effective services to customers on subscriptions. They offer secure bank level secure hosting, backups and technical support.

I am John Cox, a professional web content writer in Sagenext Infotech LLC. I have panoptic experience in writing about Sage ACT Online, Peachtree Hosting and Sage 50 Hosting Providers.

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