Respect Motorcyclists by Sharing the Road
Imagine you are driving through St. George, Utah and you approach a large group of motorcyclists. This may be the first time you’ve encountered a group of motorcycles riding together and you don’t know what to do. Do you try to pass them?
If there is an open lane then you can pass the motorcycles, but use caution. You don’t want to end up in an auto or motorcycle accident in St. George — or anywhere. If it’s only a single lane road or even an undivided highway with a passing lane, it’s probably better to not pass the bikers. Avoid having to explain the situation to a lawyer or the police and treat motorcycle riders with the same or more respect you would treat another car driver.
Motorcycles May Be Small, but Not of Little Importance
Sometimes drivers assume that motorcycle riders are lesser vehicle operators because of their small size, but if anything, drivers should treat smaller vehicles with more caution and respect. In most cases in St. George and across the country, motorcycle accidents are more fatal than car accidents. That fact alone should be enough to urge drivers to exercise more caution and respect around motorcycles.
Make sure you give plenty of room to motorcycles and never tailgate. Just because motorcycles are smaller than a car, doesn’t mean they require less space. Motorcycles can stop a lot quicker than cars can because they are lighter. If you are tailgating a motorcycle and the motorcycle has to hit his brakes for any reason, the car may not have enough room to stop. The next thing you know, you’re on the phone with a motorcycle accident lawyer.
We Are All Equals out There
The truth is, motorcyclists are no different than you are. They are people going to work or running errands so pay attention to them and treat them with respect. We are all equals out there on the road. Whether you’re a driver or a biker, when you get hurt, you have to go to the hospital, call a lawyer and talk to insurance just like the next guy.
Joshua Valdivia is a legal writer for Fusion 360, an SEO and content marketing agency. Information provided by Robert J Debry. Follow on Twitter.