Perform Umrah in the Holy Month with Ramadan Umrah Packages

Posted by Safeena Rahman
Jun 1, 2018

The ninth and the holiest month in the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is also known as Ramzan or Ramathan at different places of the world. Muslims around the globe observe this month by fasting from dawn to dusk. This is the month when the Holy Quran was revealed for the first time to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Along with the observance of fast, there are several activities that the Muslims must refrain from for the entire month. Certain activities are also done in the holy month for some spiritual benefits. Among them is going on a pilgrimage of Umrah to the holy city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia.

An Umrah in Ramadan is of great significance as Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had once said that an Umrah in the holy month is like accompanying him on Hajj. This is the reason why many of the Muslims worldwide dream of performing the lesser pilgrimage during Ramadan. For Muslims residing in the United Kingdom, the journey to Makkah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from their place of residence is quite a long one. However, this does not stop followers of Islam in the UK to embark on the journey of Umrah from their place of residence.

In the UK, many tour operators or travel companies offering Ramadan Umrah packages have come up at different places in the country over the years. This has enabled Muslims residing in the UK to accomplish their minor pilgrimage during the holy month. Owing to the presence of many of these companies on the internet in the form of user-friendly websites, the prospective pilgrims can book their desired packages online without any hassles. As the packages are classified according to their overall cost, the UK Muslims can book their preferred packages based on their budget and travel preferences.

Considering the immense spiritual benefits of Umrah Ramadan offers for Muslims, the prospective pilgrims residing in the UK like to book their suitable packages well in advance. This not only gives them the chance to fulfil their dream of performing Umrah in the holy month but also gets them their package at a lower cost. The range of benefits offered in the packages varies according to their costs. The ones that have the lowest pricing often exclude flights, while the packages having the highest pricing not only include flights of the leading airlines but also a luxurious accommodation in any of the hotels located close to the Masjid al-Haram.

Such an accommodation would give UK Muslims greater convenience in getting to the holy mosque and performing all the rituals with complete peace of mind. The packages that are priced higher also provide them the opportunity to stay for a longer duration in the holy city of Makkah as compared to the ones that are offered at lower costs. During such long stays, they can visit the popular Islamic sites of Makkah, such as the Cave of Hira located in the Jabal al-Noor mountain, and Masjid al-Jinn located near another important site, Jannat al-Mu’alla.

You can read on to know more about November Umrah packages and the benefits that they offer for those wanting to perform their lesser pilgrimage in this month.


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