
Oracle 1Z0-337 questions and answers

by Karen Paramo IT sales consultant
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Many candidates who are ready to participate in the Oracle certification 1Z0-337 exam may see many websites available online to provide resources about Oracle certification 1Z0-337 exam. However, CertTree is the only website whose Oracle 1Z0-337 questions and answers online are developed by a study of the leading IT experts's reference materials. The information of CertTree can ensure you pass your first time to participate in the Oracle certification 1Z0-337 exam.
Share some Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 1Z0-337 exam questions and answers below.
Identify three key capabilities of Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Service. provides High Availability (HA) provides disk images in RAW format provisions computer hardware that is managed by the customer provides bare metal compute, high-performance storage, and non-blocking networking enables non-uniform memory access (NUMA)
Answer: A,B,D

You have requested and received an authentication token from Oracle Storage Cloud Service by sending your user credentials to the service. What is your next step?
A.Activate your token.
B.Perform your operations against your service instance by using your token within 30 minutes.
C.Perform your operations, so idle time does not invalidate your token.
D.Start moving your data to the Cloud. Tokens are valid as long as your subscription is active.
Answer: B

In which two use cases should you deploy an Oracle Storage Cloud Software Appliance? a replacement for a mid-range Direct Attached Storage Device (DASD) a data mover to transfer files to and from Oracle Storage Cloud Service
C.for backup of home directories and unstructured data in traditional NFS environments run applications and executables directly from appliance mount points
Answer: C,D

Which two methods can customers use to control and secure their data in Oracle Storage Cloud Service?
A.Set up RSA read and write key pairs on containers.
B.Through RESTful web services, invoke Oracle Data Masking on objects stored.
C.Use the Java client to encrypt data when stored and decrypt data when retrieved.
D.Assign read and write permissions to containers to restrict access to data.
E.Through RESTful web services, invoke SPARC M7 processor 128-bit encryption.
Answer: C,D

When you request Oracle Network Cloud Service - VPN for Dedicated Compute service, which IP address range is used to configure your service?
A.the public IP address range that you want to use for your instances in Oracle Compute Cloud Service
B.the private IP address range that you want to use for your instances in Oracle Compute Cloud Service
C.the public IP addresses of your existing Oracle Compute Cloud Service instances
D.the private IP address range that is used in your on-premises data center
Answer: C

Four steps must be completed in order to prepare Oracle Compute Cloud Service before provisioning Oracle Storage Cloud Service Appliance - Cloud Distribution.
a)Create the security rules for permitting HTIPS traffic, NFS traffic, NFS access, and SSH connections to the appliance instance.
b)Generate the necessary SSH key pairs and add the public keys to Oracle Compute Cloud Service.
c) Identify (or create) a security list in Oracle Compute Cloud Service for the appliance instance.
d)To enable NFS access to the appliance instance, create a security application in Oracle Compute Cloud Service.
In what order do you execute them?
Answer: A

Which three interfaces can you use to access Oracle Storage Cloud Service?
A.RESTful API, which is compatible with OpenStack Swift
B.Oracle File Sharing Appliance Gateway
C.File Transfer Manager API, which provides a simple interface to upload or download objects
D.the Download Command Line Interface (CU) to efficiently transfer files to the service
E.anonymous FTP service
F.Oracle Storage Cloud Service Java SDK, which provides client-side encryption utilities
Answer: A,C,F

Which two features are provided by Fast Connect- Standard Edition?
A.access to your Oracle Cloud service using a direct connection from your premises or colocation facility
B.prioritized access to Oracle Cloud support for your Oracle Cloud services
C.a direct connection to your Oracle Cloud services, so data is not transported over the public Internet
D.a dedicated Tl line to your Oracle Cloud services
E.a level 2 router, which encrypts and decrypts every packet you send over the public Internet to your Oracle Cloud service
Answer: A,C

Which three steps should be completed in order to get started with Oracle Storage Cloud Service?
A.Associate a permanent public IP address with the instance.
B.Create a site-to-site VPN tunnel.
C.Request a trial subscription or purchase a subscription to an Oracle Storage Cloud Service.
D.Activate and verify the service.
E.Create accounts for your users and assign privileges and roles.
Answer: C,D,E

Identify three capabilities of the Oracle Storage Cloud Software Appliance. converts any server into an Oracle Storage Cloud Engineered System Appliance turns a server into a local mount to Oracle Storage Cloud Service, enabling file-based data movement to the Oracle Storage Cloud is a gateway to the Oracle Storage Cloud Service having read and write performance comparable to network-attached storage enables synchronous file-based symmetric replication to Oracle Cloud extends end-to-end security encryption and key management using Oracle Key Vault provides security with end-to-end encryption with control of the keys and transparent encryption
Answer: C,D,E

Passing 1Z0-337 exam is not very simple. 1Z0-337 exam requires a high degree of professional knowledge of IT, and if you lack this knowledge, CertTree can provide you with a source of IT knowledge. CertTree's expert team will use their wealth of expertise and experience to help you increase your knowledge, and can provide you Oracle 1Z0-337 questions and answers. CertTree will not only do our best to help you pass the 1Z0-337 certification exam for only one time, but also help you consolidate your IT expertise. If you select CertTree, we can not only guarantee you 100% pass 1Z0-337 certification exam, but also provide you with a free year of Oracle 1Z0-337 questions and answers update service. And if you fail to pass the examination carelessly, we can guarantee that we will immediately 100% refund your cost to you.

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About Karen Paramo Advanced   IT sales consultant

9 connections, 0 recommendations, 123 honor points.
Joined APSense since, July 15th, 2017, From New York, United States.

Created on Jan 13th 2018 00:08. Viewed 432 times.


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