Olive Pomace Oil Soap

Posted by L&P Global
Jul 2, 2019
Unlike refined extra virgin olive oil, olive pomace oil uses normally reside in industrial production for products such as soap, balms, shampoos, etc. However, since it is not a harsh chemical, olive pomace oil can be handled at home! It's a popular choice for DIY soap makers everywhere, so check out this recipe:



  • 8.5 oz (240g) Pomace oil or olive oil (pomace oil will speed up the tracing time of the soap).
  • 8 oz (225g) Sunflower oil
  • 7 oz (200g) Coconut oil
  • 4 oz (100g) Lye (also known as caustic soda)
  • 11 oz (310g) Mineral water
  • One handful of Lavatera flowers
  • One handful of Chamomile flowers
  • 2 teaspoons (10ml) Bergamot essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon (6ml) Sweet orange essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon (6ml) Ylang ylang essential oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon (3ml) Tangerine essential oil

  1. Make sure the room you are making this olive oil soap recipe in is well ventilated.
  2. Oil a plastic mould and then line it with greaseproof paper.
  3. Make an infusion by boiling the mineral water and pour it over the chamomile and lavatera flowers, cover and leave to cool(this may be made the day before as long as you store it in the refrigerator once it’s cooled).
  4. Once cooled, strain and reserve both the infusion and the flowers.
  5. In a stainless steel pan, melt the olive or pomace oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil over low heat.
  6. Put on protective eyewear, a mask, an apron, and long rubber gloves.
  7. Pour the infused mineral water into a plastic bucket or large jug.
  8. Slowly, add the lye, using a plastic spatula to stir until dissolved.
  9. Use two jam thermometers, one for the lye mix and one for the oil mix.
  10. Making sure you are wearing protective clothing.
  11. When both the mixtures cool to 96 F (35.5 C) immediately pour the lye mix into the oils and begin to mix with a hand whisk, stir continuously until well combined.
  12. Continue to stir until it has thickened enough when a bit of the soap is drizzled over the top it leaves a line this is called trace; this usually takes about 20 minutes.
  13. Pour in the bergamot, sweet orange, ylang-ylang, and tangerine essential oils and stir thoroughly.
  14. Add half of the flowers from before to give it texture and mix until they are evenly distributed.
  15. Pour the mixture into the mould that you prepared before.
  16. Leave it covered with cardboard, in a warm, dry place for 24 hrs for it to set.
  17. Line a wooden board with greaseproof paper, put some protective gloves on and turn the soap out onto the board.
  18. Use a carving knife to cut the soap into blocks or use a biscuit cutter to make different shapes. If it is too soft to cut, leave it for another 24 hrs.
  19. Put the homemade olive oil soap into a tray lined with greaseproof paper and leave for four weeks in a warm dark place.
  20. Turn them occasionally.

Soap recipe adapted from: https://www.savvyhomemade.com/morning-olive-oil-soap-recipe/

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