Now Is The Time For Automation, According To McAfee Cyber Crime Is A Fire Fight!

Posted by John Woods
May 3, 2019
Those who have properly experienced them know how scary their entire world becomes when a forest fire or grass fire gets completely out of control. As these extreme fires become a lot more intense, they create their very own weather, generating their very own winds, making them a lot more difficult to fight and often moving a lot faster than all the firefighters can. The final outcome is often a huge loss of land or property and frequently, a significant loss of lives, both human, and animal. As temperatures continue to rapidly rise, as we experience much longer and longer periods of drought, these particular fires are becoming a lot more frequent and more severe.

Is not this the exactly the same issue that one particular faces in fighting cybercrime? Malicious harmful activity is occurring all the time, and it is quite difficult to know immediately when the event actually happens, where it generally takes place, what it is doing, what is basically at risk. You also have deployed and purchased many tools to assist in the fight. Moreover, it still takes a lot of time and too many resources just to identify what is actually happening. Once you have, it still takes costly minutes, hours or several days to identify and implement a plan properly to kill the exploit and its ability to completely steal your valuable data, causing loss of PII, PCI, financial data or IP or its ability to impact all of your operations or ability to conduct the prime business.

Over the past 15 years, McAfee technologies have continued to be completely laser-focused on providing their customers with an infrastructure that is enterprise-ready or framework to protect their world that is connected. McAfee began with ePO over the past 15 years ago. It was the first product to be able to configure, deploy and manage solutions of the security for over 100,000 computer systems. We added functionality to put several new protections in place over the past years: Web Protection, Whitelisting, Change Control, Host IPS, File Integrity Management, Encryption, Data Loss Prevention, Device Control and a lot more. This framework was, by far, the solution that is the most effective in the market and properly helped to improve safety or security and drive down the cost of operations of the security.

These multiple new tools are allowing the users of McAfee to significantly improve their efficiency and effectiveness, greatly improving their time to recognition and resolution of several issues and driving down their respective cost of operations.

John Woods is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, malware, social engineering, Games,internet and new media. He writes for McAfee products at or .


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