NGOs Functions in Stabilising Displaced Senior Citizens in India

Posted by Kanan James
Aug 30, 2018

Ageing is a serious problem and especially in an overpopulated developing country like ours, the matter needs to be dealt with extra care. According to 2011’s Population Census, we have 10.4 crore elderly people aged 60 or above, out of which 5.3 crore are males and 5.1 females. By 2026, the number is expected to reach 17.3 crores. 71% of the lot is rural occupants, rest 29% reside in urban areas. Although these figures only narrate the total population of old people, there are thousands among them who are being pressurised to leave their homes for various reasons. Digressing from statistics, it’s safe to say that senior care services in India have really improved. Several NGOs, social organisations and charitable trusts have come up over the years many of whom are doing tremendous work to uplift the conditions for aged people. Let us have a look at some of their roles and responsibilities:

Absolute shelter

Old people who have come from different walks of life to live under one roof in harmony are in dire need to shelter as they were forced to leave their private domiciles either by self-driven needs or because of physical retribution. So, the primary objective towards displaced senior citizens remains to provide a safe allotment in old age homes.

Caring for the elderly

Those who have taken refuge in old age homes need intensive care since they’re physically and mentally dementing. They may not get financial backing from their kin so they are dependent on the organisation which are taking care of them. Additionally, NGOs ensure they’re properly treated, well-kept and have the timely intake of medicines.

The caregivers

Old age homes have hired caregivers who are extremely adept at understanding the old inhabitants and work accordingly so that their needs are met. Whether it’s running their daily errands, giving medicines or feeding them at the right times, these caregivers act as true friends of the occupants and are trained to never skip a single thing as old people are quite vulnerable to health hazards. Furthermore, they understand their conditions and try to maintain a psychological relationship that helps in building the trust; a thing rarely earned from ostracised senior citizens.


Displaced elderly persons from different backgrounds come to live together under one roof in peace. But the matter is not as trivial as the previous sentence sounds. They have a fair share of forlorn memories which they may share among themselves or among visitors which tends to lessen the pains due to an empathetic cohesion.  

Finding value in life

Residing in an old age homes is something not to rejoice. It’s best described as a positive step by social work organizations towards a providing a safer environment for the elderly lot. The people who actually live there came as suffering individuals so, these organisations help them to fulfil lost dreams, pending wishes and aspirations.

Thus, it’s is acceptable to say that the many organisations in India care for old people and are putting in magnanimous efforts to make it better every year. At the same time, they face the challenge of overpopulation. Many people are being forced to move out of their homes but all are not lucky to secure a place in old age homes. Will there be a time when every aged person will live in harmony either with his/her family or with persons with similar griefs? Only time can tell. What do you think? I would love to learn from you too.


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