What You Didn't Know About NGOs in India

Posted by Kanan James
Aug 30, 2017

A social work organization is an organization which works for social welfare and the well-being of the society. Through the Non profit organisations in every country tons of people lacking in some kind of things are helped to achieve their goals. They do not charge money for the things they do and generally only make money through donations made by the people who are privileged enough to lead a healthy lifestyle.

NGOs in India hold a rather mixed reputation. Some believe strongly in the nonprofit organizations in India while others fail to understand. Nonetheless, they are doing their job and succeeding at it by changing thousands of lives every day. They strictly work for the welfare and survival of those who are less fortunate and are in immediate need. They work to eradicate poverty, fight diseases and much more. They are also known as the Non Profit Organisation.

Cancer care

NGOs in India are working very hard to provide the ones with cancer with the required treatment at lower or fewer prices. This includes the cost of medicines, surgeries, chemo, etc. Cancer treatment can be very expensive and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, there are certain hospitals which provide cancer treatment for free or low prices and work with the NGOs.

Cataract Surgery

Cataract is a disease which is unfortunately very common and can make you lose your eye sight if not treated quickly and properly. It usually happens to everyone when they reach their old age but could happen to the younger ones too. To get rid of it, there is an established surgery which needs to be performed and is expensive. NGOs in India are working hard to get this treatment to be done for free and safely. They have tied knots with certain trusted eye hospitals to get this plan into action.

Elderly care

There are thousands of old aged people who are surviving without any financial support because they do not have a family and are not capable enough to work and earn a living. They are usually uneducated and fail to survive on day to day basis. The NGO India have a program for such people to find a family, get an education and live their lives where they are provided with basic needs and wants.

Mobile Healthcare

Tons of the elderly in India are ignored of their basic health care either because they cannot reach the facility in time or they cannot afford it and end up losing their lives because of some really minor issues. NGOs are working for these people to be able to get mobile health care and reach the facility in time and get appropriate treatment for them.


There is so much more being done by the NGOs everywhere and they are changing lives every single day. They work day and night to get people their basic needs and make them aware of their fundamental rights. 

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