National Youth Day 2023 : Yuva Diwas, Quotes, Theme, History

Posted by bloggingforu blogger
Jan 7, 2023

is national youth day celebrated ?

National Youth Day can also be a time for youth to learn about the philosophy and teachings of Swami Vivekananda. He was religious leader as well as a social activist, who is believed to be an influential influence on the young people of India. The day is celebrated by colleges, schools and youth associations across the nation.

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National Youth Day Theme 2023

Swami Vivekananda The theme usually revolves on empowering and inspiring youngsters to make a difference on their communities as well as the world.

Themes that have been discussed in the past include:

2022 “It’s only in our minds”
2021: “Channelizing Youth Power for Nation Building”
2020: “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat” (One India, Great India)
2019 “Filled With Values, and determined to achieve”
The year 2018 was “Sankalp Se Siddhi” (From Resolution to Attainment)
2017 “Youth in Digital India”
2016 “Indian Young People for Harmony, Development and Skills”

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is national youth day is a national holiday in India ?

History of national youth day

National Youth Day (Yuva Diwas) is a major holiday in India which is observed annually on the 12th of January to commemorate Swami Vivekananda’s birthday.

Swami Vivekananda who was a Social reformer and spiritual leader, who is believed to have a major influence on the young people of India. Swami Vivekananda was born 1863, and is famous for his contribution towards his work in the Hindu spiritual movement, also known as the Vedanta.

He is also renowned for his efforts to encourage social and educational reforms in India and his teachings and writings are extensively studied and appreciated.

National Youth Day was first observed in 1984, which was it being the anniversary 100 years ago of the speech by Swami Vivekananda during the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago.

It is a chance for youngsters from India to gain knowledge about the teachings of Swami Vishnuanda and to be motivated to have a positive effect within their communities.

The activities and events that take place during Youth Day often focus on encouraging and motivating young peoplethrough discussions, lectures, seminars and other cultural events.

How National Youth Day Celebrations ?

They could include debates, seminars lectures, seminars, and other educational programs led with experts who discuss topics that are relevant to youth like career counseling as well as personal development physical fitnessand leadership.

Colleges and universities can commemorate the day by arranging special events or assemblies to inform students about the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and his philosophy.

A few organizations also offer opportunities for youngsters to take part in community-based activities to celebrate National Youth Day. It could be as simple as helping out at a local hospital or at a park to clean it up or participating in other causes that benefit society.

Many organizations utilize the social networks to increase awareness and encourage youngsters to be involved in the many activities that take place during this day.

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