Names of Hanuman and Their Glory

Posted by Nitin Jain
Jun 26, 2022

As the name Hanuman resonates in our ear it reminds us of a magnificent example of great devotion, loyalty and strength. Hanuman is the Hindu god deity who is believed to appear in Satyug during the period of Lord Ram on earth. Hanuman is the diligent dedicated disciple of Lord Ram. 

He is the owner of immense strength, power and positive vibrations which make him different from other Hindu gods. Lord Hanuman is popular for his unconditional devotion for Lord Ram and has performed several arduous tasks during his time.  There is a huge number of people who are ardent devotees of Lord Hanuman and praise him in different forms having different names. Lord Hanuman is known by many names which have some speciality attached to it. 

To name a few there are several names of Hanuman which have special glory to it.  

  1. Anjaneyaya Hanuman- 

This name of Hanuman is famous worldwide and praised as Anjaneyaya. He got this name as he was the son of mother Anjana.

  1. Mahaviraya Hanuman is known as the most valiant one.

  2. Hanumate is the one with puffy cheeks.

  3. Marutatmajaya is the most beloved like gems

  4. Tatvagyanapradaya, the ‘Granter of Wisdom’.

  5. Sitadevimudrapradayakaya, the deliverer of the Ring of Sita.

  6. Ashokavanakachchhetre, the destroyer of Ashoka Orchard.

  7. Sarvamayavibhananaya is the destroyer of all illusions.

  8. Sarvabandhavimoktre is the detacher of all relationship

  9. RakshovidhvaNsakarakaya is the slayer of demons.

  10. Paravidya Pariharaya is the destroyer of enemies' wisdom.

  11. Para Shaurya Vinashakaya is the destroyer of enemy’s valour.

  12. Paramantra Nirakartre is the acceptor of Rama’s mantra only.

  13. Parayantra Prabhedakaya is the destroyer of enemies missions.

  14. Sarvagraha Vinashine is the killer of evil effects of planets.

  15. Bhimasena SahayakrIthe is the helper of Bheema.

  16. Sarvadukhah Haraya is the reliever of all agonies.

  17. Sarvalokacharine is the wanderer of all places.

  18. Manojavaya is the one who has speed like wind.

  19. Parijata Drumulasthaya is the residence under the Parijata Tree.

  20. Sarva Mantra Svarupaya is the possessor of all hymns.

  21. Sarva Tantra Svarupine is in the shape of all hymns.

  22. Sarvayantratmakaya, dweller in all yantras.

  23. Kapishvaraya is the Lord of Monkeys.

  24. Mahakayaya is the gigantic.

  25. Sarvarogaharaya is the reliever of all ailments.

  26. Prabhave is the popular Lord.

  27. Sarvavidya Sampattipradayakaya is the granter of knowledge and wisdom.

  28. Kapisenanayakaya is the chief of the monkey army.

  29. Bhavishhyathchaturananaya is aware about future happenings.

  30. Kumara Brahmacharine is the youthful bachelor.

  31. Ratnakundalaya is the one who wears gem-studded earrings.

  32. Chanchaladvalasanadhaya is the one whose glittering tail is suspended above the head.

  33. Gandharva Vidyaya is the one who is freed from imprisonment.

  34. Mahabala Parakramaya is Lord Hanuman of great strength.

  35. Karagraha Vimoktre is the one who is freed from imprisonment.

  36. Shrinkhala Bandhamochakaya is the reliever from a chain of distresses.

  37. Sagarottarakaya is the leapt across the ocean.

  38. Pragyaya is a scholar form of Lord Hanuman.

  39. Ramadutaya is the ambassador of Lord Rama.

  40. Pratapavate is known for valour.

  41. Vanaraya is known for its resemblance to monkeys.

  42. Kesarisutaya is the son of Kesari.

  43. Sitashoka Nivarakaya is the destroyer of Sita’s sorrow.

  44. Anjanagarbha Sambhutaya is born of Anjani.

  45. Balarkasadrashananaya is like the rising sun.

  46. Vibhishhana Priyakaraya is the beloved of Vibheeshana.

  47. Dashagriva Kulantakaya is the slayer of the ten-headed Ravana Dynasty.

  48. Laxmanapranadatre is the reviver of Lakshmana’s life.

  49. Vajra Kayaya Hanuman is sturdy like metal.

  50. Mahadyuthaye is the radiant form of Lord Hanuman.

  51. Chiranjivine is the eternal being.

  52. Rama Bhaktaya is popular as the most radiant devotee of Ram.

  53. Daitya Karya Vighatakaya is the form of Hanuman praised by people as he is the destroyer of all demons' activities.

  54. Akshahantre is the Hanuman praised as the slayer of Aksha.

  55. Kajnchanabhaya is the form of Hanuman which is known as the Golden-Hued body.

  56. Pajnchavaktraya is the five-faced Hanuman praised throughout the globe.

  57. Maha Tapase is the great meditator. 

  58. Lankini Bhajnjanaya is the slayer of Lankini.

  59. Shrimate is the form seen as the revered one.

  60. Simhika Prana Bhanjanaya is the slayer of Simhika 

  61. Gandhamadana Shailasthaya is the dweller of Gandhamadana.

  62. Lankapura Vidayakaya is that form of Hanuman who burnt Lanka with his tail.

  63. Sugriva Sachivaya is the Minister of Sugreeva.

  64. Dhiraya is the valiant form of Hanuman.

  65. Shuraya is the bold form of Hanuman.

  66. Daityakulantakaya is the destroyer of demons.

  67. Suvarchalarchitaya is the form of Hanuman worshipped by celestials.

  68. Kamarupine is the form of Hanuman capable of changing its form as per it's will 

  69. Pingalakshaya is the pink eyed Hanuman.

There are a total 108 names of Lord Hanuman popular among the devotees and are known for particular glory. These are a few of the glorious names of Hanuman mentioned above.

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