Most Successful and Inspiring Differently abled People

Posted by Waqar Ahmad
Jun 19, 2017
History has witnessed some of the most outstanding achievements by men and women in due course of time. However, the achievement is even more appreciated if has been addressed with an apparent physical disability. It takes courage for any ordinary to man achieve a feat like success when he lacks at something; it simply requires passion for a person with disability to level the fame.

 Stephen Hawking - ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

One of the greatest scientists living on the planet today, Stephen Hawking needs no introduction. With science geeks and the non-scientific population of the world, he is equally popular, widely known and often compared to scientists like Einstein and Galileo. A theoretical cosmologist and physicist, Stephen Hawking is the director of research at the Centre For Theoretical Cosmology in the University of Cambridge today.

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Ann Hester

just be honest in all you do

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