Laser Hair Reduction: For Smooth Hair-Free Skin in the Long Run
The cosmetic and aesthetic industry helps many individuals to improve their overall appearance. The aesthetic industry is developing at a rapid pace and drastic scale, due to day to day development in technology and newer procedures. Laser hair reduction is one such procedure that is the most popular non-invasive procedure performed worldwide.
Thanks to laser light-based technology, now the traditional and bother hair removal methods are becoming a thing of past. The laser hair reduction method delivers long-lasting benefits and results. The lasers target the root of the hair follicle and destroy it. The laser heat damages the hair follicle and prevents further hair growth by stunning hair cell growth. The hair cycle is divided into three stages like anagen (active growth stage), catagen (transitional) and telogen (resting phase).
During the anagen phase, papilla present in the hair follicles base part, nourishes hair growth by providing the essential nutrients. Duration for this stage is 2-7 years. In the catagen phase, shrinking of the follicle of the hair occurs, and it detaches from the papilla, this results in lack of supply of nutrients. The duration of this phase is 8 days to 16 days. In the telogen phase, the old hair falls out. Hence, after the shedding of older hair, the hair follicle reattaches the papilla. Further, the hair cycle is repeated again, and the hair follicle re-enters in the anagen or growth phase of the hair cycle.
Laser hair reduction treatment is effective during the active stage growth. Each hair in the body is at a different stage of the growth cycle. Hence, for laser hair removal treatment the patient needs 5-8 sessions to remove hair effectively to achieve long-lasting results. This helps the laser to target the anagen phase, so multiple laser sessions are recommended.
Do not perform waxing, epilating as they pull the root of hair out, that the lasers target, hence the treatment would be useless. Shave the area a day or before the appointment. This ensures the hair follicle is target by the lase, but be careful no painful razor cuts with razors.
The laser hair removal procedure is a little painful, and it is described as a rubber band snapping against the skin. Laser hair removal is effective for almost every skin type from light-skinned to dark-skinned people.
Hair removal cost depends upon the size of the area to be treated, and the lasers used. The laser hair reduction may seem daunting at first, but in the run, it saves a lot of money. It not only saves money, but also saves time and pain too. Ojasvi Skin Solution, provides best laser hair removal cost in Meerut and delivers the patients with satisfactory results. Various laser light technologies are used that target the specific melanin pigment present in the hair. Laser hair reduction is popular among both men and women.
Ojasvi Skin Solution, the best laser hair removal clinic in Meerut, uses state of art laser technology trusted by leading practitioners worldwide. These lasers provide long-lasting results and are suitable for people of all hair color and skin type. These lasers are perfect for anybody parts, such as sensitive areas like nostrils, bikini line, underarms and ears. One can return to their normal activities after the treatment. No downtime! Alma Soprano Ice Platinum provides better efficient and maximum coverage and can reach to different anatomical depths.
The Alma Soprano Ice Platinum at Ojasvi Skin Solution provides with three simultaneous wavelengths in pone applicator. This laser is useful for the widest range of hair types and color (Alex 755nm) and YAG of 1063nm that specialized in treating darker skin type. The speed of 810nm that helps to provide a super-quick treatment, even in larger surface areas like legs, chest, and back.