Kidney Transplant: Recovery & life after transplant

Posted by Saim Singh
Aug 25, 2018


Kidney transplant is the procedure by which the damaged kidneys in the patients body are replaced by healthy kidneys taken from a donor. The kidneys come in pair and the normal functioning of atleast one of these days is very crucial for our sustainence. In case both the kidneys of the patient stop functioning, due to some medical ailment or severe injury, kidney transplant is the only option left to save the patients life. Kidney transplant has helped  to save hundreds and thousands of lives worldwide and has proved to be one of the greatest achievements of medical history. If you are looking for a kidney transplant specialist in India, your search will end at BLK hospital, which isbone amongst the best kidney transplant hospitals in India. The hospital has a highly efficient staff which includes some of the best kidney transplant surgeons in India. The life of the person won't be the same after the transplant and there are certain precautions that have to be taken in order to ensure that the procedure is a success.

Kidney Transplant: Recovery

The kidneys are a pair of bean shaped organs present on either side of the back just below the rib cage. The kidneys are a part of the excretory system which is responsible for the removal of various toxic and unwanted substances from our body. The normal functioning of at least one of the kidneys is very important for our survival as these are responsible for the purification of blood from any unwanted substances, which are then thrown out of the body along with the urine. Our kidneys are constantly under a lot of work load and this load increases tremendously when a person is suffering from some medical ailment. This ultimately leads to renal failure. Severe injuries in the lower back, experienced during an accident may also be responsible for causing renal failure. The doctors may first try to treat the problem with the use of certain medications and drugs and if no progress is seen, only then proceed with the transplantation.

The health of both the patient and the donor is extremely important and the procedure will not be carried out until both the patient and the donor pass certain eligibility criteria. The donor needs to be healthy, with both Kidneys in a proper working condition. The blood group of both the patient and the donor should match and the donor should not be suffering from any chronic medical ailment. Diabetic patients, for instance, are not eligible for donating kidneys. The gender of the donor is not a matter of concern and a male patient can receive  kidney from a female donor and vice versa. Usually it is the close family members of the patient who come forward to donate their kidney willingly.

Kidney problems, if left untreated, can lead to immense pain and discomfort as well as renal failures, Renal failures are extremely fatal and need immediate medical attention. The kidney transplant specialists in India conduct all the necessary screenings and tests and determine wether the patient needs immediate transplantation or not. The doctors will ctors usually start by prescribing certain medications. The patient is observed at regular intervals to ensure that the kidneys are responding to the medicines. If the doctors feel that the patient is not responding to the treatment properly, the opt for kidney transplant. Before the transplant, the doctors make sure wether the patient is suitable to undergo the procedure. Not every person is elegible to undergo a kidney transplant.

The procedure involves three different surgeries. In the first surgery, the damaged Kidneys are removed from the patient's body to make space for the new kidney. The second surgery involve the removal of a healthy kidney from the donors body. The third surgery is carried out by placing the new kidney in place of the old damaged kidney. The wound is then cleaned and properly stitched up so as to avoid any infection. After the procedure the patient is kept under medical supervision for some time and is prescribed certain antibiotics and other medications to make sure there are no chances of infection. The life of patient will never be the same as before and he has to take certain precautions throughout his life.

After the transplant, the patient should make sure that he follows healthy lifestyle practices and does not over exhaust himself. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided as much as possible. Drinking plenty of water might also help to make the procedure a success. The main aim is to reduce the work load on the kidneys. Physiotherapy and mild exercises may also be undertaken.


Hence kidney transplant alone cannot help the patient and needs to be accompanied by proper medication, a healthy diet and timely dosage of medicine. It is very important to consult the  best kidney doctor in India as they are highly specialised and aim towards providing the most satisfactory results. Kidney transplant is the only option left for patients suffering from end stage renal failure. The doctor's may first try to treat the patient with the use of certain medication and if the patient stops responding to them, kidney transplant is the only option left. After the surgery, the patient needs to take complete bed rest and has to be kept under observation to ensure that the body of the patient has accepted the new kidney. It is natural for the body to react to any foreign substance and hence the replacement might trigger some reactions which can be easily treated by taking certain prescribed medicines.

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