Judgment is Out: Lawyers Need a Law Diary Upgrade
Ask any lawyer about their list of most important elements in their line of work. The answer would definitely include a black coat, bands and a lawyer’s diary. Yes, apart from the more visible things, a lawyer’s identity is also with his or her diary.
Old is Gold, but…
The traditional law diary is a thick book with pages consisting of different columns for writing down different things. This includes a column for date, name of the case, purpose or type of case, court category (whether it is a district court or High Court or the apex court), etc.
For decades the norm has been to write down all these details in this book which is available at stationery shops and online stores. You may even have seen their pictures on Indian social networking sites.It has become a mark of a good lawyer’s curiosity and commitment.
Slow and Steady Loses the Race
Well, with so many positives around this diary mentioned already, one might wonder or ask a question. ‘’Is everything really so swift with a manual diary in hand?’’ ‘’Is there no down-side to it’’? Honestly, there are a few drawbacks chiefly associated with human error. After all, ‘’to err is human’’.
· The biggest mistake that law professionals make is to forget to carry the diary with them.
· This upsets a whole set of events ranging from, not writing important stuff, to not remembering to write it down later, to even having a bad impression in front of high-profile clients and colleagues.
· Firms tend to measure attorneys based on their future expected performance. They also tend to check last six or seven months as a barometer for future performance.
Move Ahead
Luckily, a solution has been found to this problem. Understanding that today’s lawyers need a law diary upgrade mobile app developers have made a significant development.
Driven by modern day technology and keeping the essence of traditional norms, mobile application developers have created a digital version of lawyer’s diary. Take for example India; a country with a huge dependence on its judiciary system, and where lawyers are under immense pressure, mobile application such as SBK Law Diary are providing immense help.
These apps work just like any other utility app, such as mp3 free music programs. The objective here is different.
· It is to provide a digital assistance to every law professional; from managing their schedules to managing their case and client information.
· Accessible anywhere, it even reminds them about upcoming court hearings and other such stuff.
· Being integrated in a smart phone, such lawyer’s diary does not carry any weight or lead to paper waste.
To conclude, it would be apt to say that based on the merits of the case presented above for modern day law diaries, the judgment is out. In order to boost chances for developmental opportunities, more substantial work, or staying ahead of the curve, lawyers need to move hand in hand with technology. Lawyers need a law diary upgrade.
To download the app, click the link below : -
Source : http://www.sooperarticles.com/law-articles/judgment-out-lawyers-need-law-diary-upgrade-1607076.html