Is Your Wordpress Blog Protected
Is your WordPress blog protected.
WordPress is a fantastic platform to create weblogs and build on your business efforts. Yet! Is your precious work Protected From Content Theft.
It is my understanding that there is a huge difference between and as far as downloading and installing 'plugins' for your unique site. The .org site is appropriate if you own and host your own domain and want to install enhanced features, the .com site is more a free user platform with limitations.
How do you protect your content on WordPress
Copyright notices obviously warn any offender that you hold the original source material (dont forget you need to save your entire content including unique images on file for any later 'bun fights' you may encounter) A copyright symbol can be created by your own PC or you can install a plugin to automatically produce copyright notification on your WordPress posts and pages. I personally have started using Digiprove, there are others though such as Copyscape.
There is however another very useful plugin to increase your chance of Content Theft Protection. This plugin will disable both the right click and left click drag and drop of any content on your posts or pages, and you can provide a pop-up warning message for any would be thief. Think about it for a moment! No right click, No viewing of source code. Blog Protector is a free plugin to install.
You can test the results on my site
Now its not the be all and end all of content theft, same as your 'state of the art' car alarm can be intruded on by any well educated professional thief, or a Speed Detector used by law enforcement agents that cant be beaten by the latest release of Radar Detector to the market that blocks the signal. At the end of the day we are simply taking precautionary methods onboard to act as a warning and deterrent.
How valuable is your content to you!
See: do a plugin search on WordPress and grab your enhanced blog protectors.
Please leave a comment and/or add any other suggestions.
copyright © TrevPearman 2012
Comments (13)
Trev Pearman
IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Hi Brad, can you explain why the confusion? Theres a lot of great comments coming in and i'm more than willing to expand, you can pm me from my profile connection anytime.
Brad Johnson
Copper Specialist
I am confused any ways gud article
Trev Pearman
IM Coach IMMACC mbr
wow some fantastic feed back here.. thanks to all contributers.
and @ lugmen please let me know what you would like to know about wordpress...
and @ Joe lfl to a lot of peeps yes their hard work deserves protection, some dont mind the use of their content yet without recognition of your work I feel it a fruitless cause.Especially if it is your own unique content.
Candra Kurniawan
Programmer, IM, Youtuber
Hi, this is good article for securing your wordpress blog. Thanks
Luqman Sulyman
web Designer, Resarcher, I.T Consultant.
i wish to know more about the wordpress.great job man.
Joseph L.
Those that fail to protect their websites or blogs is lack of knowledge and that today there are plenty of free tools that help in that endeavor, good article
Paula van Dun
Social Marketing works.
I really would not know where to start to pursue a claim. For written content I don't mind so much
Dr Don Yates Sr PhD
Entrepreneur, Mentor, Advisor, CEO
Nice tips, but I agree with Oldbuddy, if my material helps someone, then great. For years someone has taken something of mine, which I find a complement. Few of us have the time or means to pursue a claim of copyright infringement
Trev Pearman
IM Coach IMMACC mbr
Thanks everyone for the great comments and ideas
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
I invite people to steal my content if it helps them. The more people I can help, the more money seems to show up on my bottom line.
Guy Macino
Online Money
Great advice Trev, I will do a search on wordpress now.
Don Dousharm
Entrepreneur, Publisher
Hi TrevPearman, Nice heads up article. I myself run a membership site and have become certified with s2members. The protection is state of the art and I carry a badge on the site. Usually what I post is updates about the site itself so not really concerned of theft of content. Also all of my files are well protected and in no way are able to be accessed without me knowing about it.I also carry a copyright notice in the footer and state all content is protected by copyright laws. It is also state
Darshika Prakash
you shared good tips to protect the blog