Is your 9 to 5 Job-Killing your Wellbeing?
A 9 to 5 job isn’t just an 8-hour long day, it’s much more! As monotonous as it can be, your daily schedule will snatch a couple of years from your life. The office job mandates you to sit motionless for at least 8 hours, further contributing to unhealthy eating habits and work-related stress.
Dangerous Desk Habits
Along with the numerous health effects, here are the 5 most dangerous habits landing you in trouble!
1. Regular Fast Food
Fast food is generally the daily essentials! Prolonged working hours and odd time meals may trigger cravings for junk. Though the food fills up the tummy quick and tastes awesome, you never know how much calories you’re storing in your belly with a mere burger meal.
2. Poor sleep
Offices can be a long travel, some of the commuters even travel interstate to earn a living! Commuting more than 10 miles by car can lead to high blood sugar and increased cholesterol. It can also be the major cause of increasing the risk of depression, anxiety, and general misery.
3. Exposure to illness
People traveling through public transport may be better at physical activities in a day but, they are much open to illness! Doors, handles, handrails and other public toilets are the powerhouse of germs and bacteria. Numerous people have touched the same and you never know how they are affecting your body.
4. Technology
Offices make us expose to photocopy machines, printers and other technologies in daily life. Photocopiers are a source of potentially deadly ozone if the filter isn’t periodically changed. It has a possibility to affect the lungs and trigger chest pain & irritation.
5. Overtime effects
Working for more than 10 hours a day is an alarming stage! It can trigger heart attacks. As per European researchers, the people who work more than 10 hours or more every day have 60% greater risk of a multitude of cardiovascular problems including angina and heart attacks.
Affected Emotional Wellbeing
Working monotonously without anything appealing enough, working under extreme stress or under an annoying boss may be the biggest turn off affecting your emotional wellbeing. The people working in evening may be at a greater risk of type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases.
While in case of working under an unfair boss, it may contribute to a host of other complaints, including depression, sleep issues, high blood pressure and being overweight.
Germs Attack
Germs can be everywhere in office, your keyboard can be a breeding ground for bacteria if not kept clean. Microbiologists found that keyboard can have up to five times as many bacteria as a bathroom and that can be including dangerous ones. Through you can finds germs everywhere in the office, the printer buttons, lift switches, formal handshakes and much more. The microbes are everywhere being can even kill you!
Remedies to follow
Apart from literally quitting the job, you may have another set of options to save yourself to a limited extent. Check out the following remedies-:
1. Online pharmacy
Stock some essential medicines in your office bag, order medicine online through a healthcare app and get it delivered to home or office.
2. Necessary precautions
Take necessary precautions such as carrying a hand sanitizer, extra tissues, wet wipes, deodorant and other essential items to keep yourself germ-free.
3. Hand wash
Washing hands should be a strict habit! Wash your hands and face at regular intervals to ensure proper hygiene.
Do not let your job take away the healthy you!