Is teeth sensitivity hampering your Style? Go for treatment for sensitive tooth today

Posted by Shubhi Gupta
Mar 1, 2019
Ouch! It actually hurts! Having sensitive tooth is a nuisance! You cannot concentrate on anything with a sensitive tooth as each breath carries with it sharp twinges. Touching your tooth with your tongue may cause discomfort and it becomes adverse during an unexpected climate change.

Very few people know how to heal sensitive teeth permanently. It is the first signal of dental disease. Do you know that sensitive teeth are a signal of something severe? When exposed to cold, hot, or acidic drinks, the sharp sensation occurs in your teeth the most. The intensity may vary; it may disappear, or stay for long, depending on your teeth condition.

How to avoid suffering from sensitive teeth?

Dentists suggest several common techniques as the treatment for sensitive tooth that cure symptoms and can provisionally fix the problem.Amongst temporary fixes to lessen tooth sensitivity are particular toothpastes, sealants, mouthwashes, and gels to harden enamel. But, how to eradicate to issue permanently? What is the treatment for sensitive teeth permanently?

We can accomplish it by increasing our nutrition consumption and by eradicating sugar from our diet. We need to know more nutritional elements, important for maintenance of healthy teeth. Depriving your teeth of nutritional value for long can result in sensitive teeth issue, as they get sick and decayed.

Causes of sensitive teeth

Here are some of the prominent causes of sensitive teeth:

  • Any kind of exposure of the dentin (layer of your teeth under your enamel) will result in discomfort.Moreover, withdrawing gums may cause dentin exposure. This usually happens because of gum disease or by hard brushing

  • People between the ages of 25 to 30 years are most prone to have this problem. The resulting discomfort is almost unbearable for most of the patients. Hence, it is good if you switch over to soft toothbrush and brush your teeth twice a day.

  • Use of hard toothbrush is the major reason of teeth sensitivity. Instead use soft brush and make sure that you brush for at least 2-3 minutes (like most people do)

  • Teeth grinding may result to dentine exposure. Make sure that you sleep with mouth guard in order to safeguard yourself from dentist’s frequent visits.

  • Dehydration can cause sensitive teeth. Brush your teeth after intake of alcohol and caffine drinks. Keep yourself hydrated in all seasons to ward off teeth ache.

Prevention is better than cure, hence don’t postpone seeing your dentist if you are facing any problem. The more you delay, the bigger the problems come up in later stages. Take care of your teeth now and take all possible precautionary measures.

Summary:You don’t need to fret about teeth sensitivity any more. Following some precautions will help in controlling your teeth issues appreciably. In any case,it is always good to visit your dentist and take preventive measures beforehand. The expert professional will suggest you the best treatment for sensitive tooth depending on your teeth requirements, as it is the most significant aspect of your life.
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