Is it safe to take Vitamin D and Fish oil supplements together?

Posted by Edward Lucas
Jul 23, 2020

A well balanced and healthy diet is a necessary part of our human body as it supplies the energy and sufficient nutrients so that the body can carry out routine tasks. In the modern lifestyle, food is not enough for the body as the human body needs several kinds of vitamins and nutrients and vitamins. In order to fulfill the needs of the human body, the person should take special care of eating habits and working routines also. That is why nutritionists suggest taking health and fitness supplements to meet all the nutritional requirements that are essential for health. However, supplements such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids are beneficial for the body and help to nourish, protect, repair, and regenerate internal muscles and cells.

Are vitamin D and fish oil a good match for your health?

There are some rumors about the supplementation that taking Vitamin D and fish oil supplements together might be good in osteoarthritis. Both Fish oil and Vitamin D contain anti-inflammatory properties and many other beneficial nutrients also. However, Vitamin D helps our body in bone resorption, and strength and fish oil promote cartilage degradation.

But it is found in research that the combo of Vitamin D and Fish oil is not as effective for long term relief in order to reduce joint pain and swelling which is the most common symptom of arthritis. On the other hand, fish oil is a good supplementation for overall health if taken individually. So, let’s dig in more about the beneficiary properties of taking fish oil supplements or fatty fishes.   

Why fish oil is good in Osteoarthritis?

Fish oil is one of the richest sources of Omega 3 Fatty acids, which is an important nutrient and recommended as a super food for our health. Even some studies have also proved the benefits of fish oil supplements for osteoarthritis as it promotes anti-inflammatory properties. As per the Rheumatologist, a rich diet with enough omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the pain and swelling that happen in Osteoarthritis. However, exercising is the best way to cure but it will take a lot time as exercising a slow process. The person who is suffering with the joint pain and swelling, should definitely follow below tips along with supplementation for better and fast results:

Tips for simple exercises for patients with arthritis

        Stretch and warm up with range-of-motion exercises.

        Start strengthening exercises slowly with small weights.

        Progress slowly.

        Add aerobic exercise.

        Ease off if joints become painful, inflamed, or red, and work with your doctor to find the cause and eliminate it.

        Choose your most lovable exercise program that you enjoy the most and make it a habit.

How much quantity of fish oil is safe?

However, one gram of fish oil a day and other simple dietary changes could help reduce the pain of patients with osteoarthritis, according to a review of studies done by researchers. Fish oil supplements are available as capsules or as a liquid. Taking fish oil capsules is the most convenient and least expensive way to take the dose needed to reduce inflammation. Capsules are preferred by some people and are more portable when traveling.

To get fish oil supplements, you can visit the website of Healthy Naturals and get their Fish oil Omega Gold supplement for a healthy and fit body.

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