Is engine remapping an appropriate way to boost the fuel economy of your vehicle?

Posted by VIP Design London
Sep 12, 2018

The regular hike in the fuel prices is creating the lines of tension on the forehead of the car owners in the current scenario, that they are finding the options like carpooling, no vehicle day, etc to combat with the problem, across the world. Well, all these problems are undoubtedly helpful in catering the problem to some extent, but still cannot emerge as an appropriate solution to the issue. Because, there are times when it becomes imperative for a person to drive his personal vehicle, moreover, you will also agree that driving a personal vehicle has its own privileges, especially leaving a mind-blowing impression on others if a person owns some luxurious car.
57ac7ed2a67b3So, now the question arises, that is it possible to get rid of this problem at an affordable price and can a person drive his personal car without any concern of hike in the fuel prices. Interestingly, an answer to this question in simple words is “Yes”. By remapping the engine control unit or ECU of your car a person can not only enjoy the privilege of an improved fuel economy but also an enhancement in its performance in terms of power generation efficiency. It would be interesting to know that nowadays there are lots of car enthusiasts who are enjoying the benefits of this method.

The process simple starts with remapping or rewriting the program installed in the engine control unit of the car. The ECU can be considered as the heart of your car that controls the working all the components including the engine and parts associated with it through sensors. These components include an air intake system, exhaust system, settings of ignition, braking, and clutch system and other components. The computer program determines the performance of all these components with the help of computer-controlled software. There are lots of remapping centers like Viezu that offer the service of remapping the ECU depending upon the expectations of the car owner.

Now, the question arises in your mind that how much improvement can I expect by adopting this process? An answer to this question is that this mainly depends upon the existing condition of the engine installed in your car, if the engine of your car has been smashed in an accident or you had been driving your car by putting an extra pressure on its engine, then undoubtedly the improvement will be less, but in case if the condition of the engine is quite good, then without any second thoughts the result will be encouraging.

But, still, one thing which could be promisingly said about engine remappingis that it will definitely let you enjoy the privilege of driving your personal car without any concern of hike in fuel prices.


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