Investigators in India- Conducting Different Types of Investigations
“Money is the root of all evils”, the phrase fits right to the modern world. In the lust of earning more and more money without doing hard work, people are subjecting themselves to crimes. Cops in every country are taking care of all these crimes. But in some cases, when an individual wants a person to handle their case exclusively detectives are hired. Getting timely detail of the investigation is also one of the major reasons for hiring a detective.
That is why a huge demand of these detectives has been observed in past few years. On the contrary, it is also true that every person has a specialized work area. For the same reason, a person can’t be expert in conducting all type of investigation. With the establishment of a number of detective agencies, it has become possible to get a right detective for a particular type of investigation.
These agencies boast a team of detectives who are trained for conducting a specific investigation. Prior to hiring a detective one should find out all the necessary details like certifications of the company and detective as well, time period from which the agency is running in the market, previous work details, and if possible feedback of their previous clients. For finding a right type of detective, one should know about the types of investigations. Here is a list of all:
Corporate Investigation
Corporate investigation plays a vital role in handling the company’s allegations and other such cases effectively. It is done to verify any of the fraud activity like if any employee is involved in secretly disclosing credentials or secure information of the company to the competitor company or to an outsider. It is also conducted when any fraud related to finance is observed.
· Employment Verification
Employment verification also falls in the category of corporate investigation. It involves verifying the necessary details of the employee. It includes cross checking their previous work record, salary in the previous company, truthfulness of the background details he/she has provided, and also finding out do they have any criminal record.
Matrimonial Investigation
Dishonesty and delivering inaccurate information to the other party are the common reasons for divorce. In the sake of getting a good bride or bridegroom people tell lie to each other. While it should never happen in the case of marriage; so people today are conducting matrimonial investigations to cross verify the information provided to them by boy or girl’s side.
Pre matrimonial
Pre matrimonial investigation includes verifying the
background, financial status, salary, and other such information of boy or girl
(whosoever conducts the information). This verification is conducted before
Post Matrimonial
On the other hand, Post Matrimonial Investigation is conducted after marriage. It is done to verify extra marital affair of either husband or wife.
Personal Investigation
Personal investigation is conducted to figure out financial status, social status, educational background, criminal record of any individual.
Civil Investigation
Civil investigation belongs to anything which involves money related investigation. Bankruptcy, negligence cases, lawsuit etc. are some of the example of it.
Criminal Investigation
Detectives in Delhi and in other cities are expert in criminal investigations. Generally, private detectives are hired for this task. It is done to find out criminal records of any individual. Serious crimes that may lead to arrest and conviction of any individual are the main things which are covered under this investigation.
Ascon Detectives Network Pvt. Ltd. is a Delhi based Detectives Agency. Get all likely in sequence about Matrimonial Investigation, Private Detectives and Investigation in Delhi. If you find more Information Click Here.