Hearing Aids- Cost, Characteristics and Types

Posted by Rohil Sharma
Nov 28, 2013
A person who is not able to hear is said to have hearing loss. It may be mild, moderate, severe or profound and can affect one or both the years. There are two main causes of hearing loss- congenital and acquired. The former leads to hearing loss being present at or acquired soon after birth. Congenital cause includes hereditary and non-hereditary generic factors. In addition, certain complications during pregnancy or childbirth can also cause in hearing loss.

Acquired cause can lead to hearing loss at any stage of life. Now, you should also know that hearing loss may be permanent or temporary. The main impact of this problem is on the individual’s ability of communicating with others. Thanks to the advent of hearing aids. A hearing aid is a sound amplifying devices designed to aid people having hearing impairment.

Most of the hearing aids include electronic components like microphone for picking up sound, amplifier circuitry that makes sound clear and louder, a tiny loudspeaker that delivers amplified sound into the ear canal, and the batteries to power these electronic components. These hearing aids differs in design, technology used to receive amplification (digital or analog), and other special features. It also depends upon the level of hearing loss.

If you are also suffering from hearing impairment and looking for a pair of hearing aid, then you will glad to know there are many Hearing Aids Dealers in different cities. You can find them even online as almost every one of them has made their presence in the online market.

But before purchasing you should be aware of features, cost, and type of hearing aid, so the best and right hearing aid can be purchased. These are mentioned below one by one:

Characteristics or Features

•    Directional microphone allows sound coming from a particular direction to be amplified at a greater level than to sound from other directions. When this type of microphone is activated, sound coming from in front of you is amplified to a higher level than from sound coming from behind you.

•    Direct audio input in the hearing aids allows you to plug in a remote device like TV, computer, radio etc.

•    T-coil or telephone switch characteristic of hearing aids provides the facility of switching from normal microphone setting to a “T-Coil” setting that enables to hear better on the telephone.

Styles or Types

Behind the Ears (BTE) aids

In this, most of the parts are contained in a small plastic case that is placed behind the ear.

Mini BTE aids

Mini BTE is also placed behind the ears, but it is comparatively smaller.

In-the-ear (ITE) aids

In this, all the parts of hearing aid are contained in a shell that fits in the inner part of the ear.

In-the-canal (ITC) aids and completely-in-the-canal aids

These hearing aids are contained in the small cases that fill partially or completely into the ear canal. They are the smallest hearing aid available till date.


The cost of hearing aid depends upon the type which further depends upon the extent of hearing loss. It also varies according to the brand, provider, and sometimes location. It is because if you are looking for hearing aids in Gurgaon the price may a little different. Another factor brand also affects a lot to the cost of hearing aid. That is because different brands offer different quality hearing aids which may differ in price.
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