How to Prepare for Bank Exam at Home?
At this time you can prepare for any exam online sitting at home. Similarly, you can join any online banking preparation institute. Through online coaching, you can know your weakness and preparation level and then start your preparation accordingly. You should clear the important points of all the sections properly.
Reasoning Aptitude: Syllogism, Machine Input Output, Puzzle Test etc have a lot of weightage in Bank PO. You can gain command over these by preparing 6 months in advance. Don't worry about verbal reasoning as it takes just 1 to 2 months to master it.
Quantitative aptitude: Learn tricks to solve maths problems faster. Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in your mind in everyday life. Learn from the root of simplification, average, percentage, ratio and proportion, profit and loss and data analysis.
English language: The difficulty level of this section has been increasing over the years. To clear this, you must be a good reader of the English language. Make a habit of reading English newspapers, magazines etc. Also work hard on the grammar.
Bank Exam Types:
The role of personnel working in banks may vary according to the exam. Bank exams can be classified into 3 broad categories on the basis of tests conducted at national and state level in the country. The table below depicts the roles and responsibilities of professionals working at different levels in the bank:
- Bank SO : The full form of Bank SO is Specialist Officer. The responsibility of Bank SO depends on the department they are handling. They are eligible to work as Marketing Officer, Human Resource Manager, Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Law Officer etc. The exam and eligibility to become a Bank SO varies from post to post.Bank PO: The full form of Bank PO is Probationary Officer. Probationary Officer is to manage the accounting, finance, investment and billing of the entire branch. Also involved in the management of debt, budgeting and investments. Handles customer issues related to accounts and cheques.
- Bank Clerk : The bank clerk deals with the customers on a one to one level. Checks documents of clients and helps them with basic requirements. Updates customer accounts.
Now that you know about the essential tricks to prepare for bank exams, here are some other great tips that you can use to prepare for these entrance exams:
- Read Daily Newspaper to stay updated with current affairs.
- Identify your weaknesses, make a time-table and follow it strictly.
- Keep giving questions from the previous paper and give many mock tests.
- Give time to each part of the syllabus. Mixing it will not work.
- Let your body rest. Sometimes meditating will help increase your focus.
- Prioritize smart work over hard work. Avoid reading things that are not part of the syllabus.
- Always make notes. Doing this will save you a lot of time.
- Highlight important information on books and notes for your ease.
Most Common Questions Come in Mind For Preparing Bank Exams ? That Listed Below
Q1: What is the minimum educational qualification for bank exam?
Ans : The minimum qualification for bank exam is graduation.
Q2: What is the total marks of NABARD Prelims exam?
Ans: NABARD Prelims exam is conducted for 200 marks.
Q3: How are the candidates selected for the interview?
Ans : Candidates are shortlisted for interview on the basis of their performance in Phase 2 exam.
Q4: Is there any binding in SBI PO?
Ans : Yes, the selected candidates will have to execute a bond of Rs.2 lakh for a minimum tenure of the Bank for a period of three years, at the time of joining.
Q5: From which stream should I be a graduate to apply for the bank exam?
Ans : You can apply in graduation from any stream.
Q6: What is the job of a Bank PO?
Ans : Has to manage accounting, finance, investment and billing of the entire branch. Also involved in the management of debt, budgeting and investments. For getting jobs information of banking sector, you should click latest bank jobs website.
About the author:
This article is written by Gray Clues. She is a career adviser and professional writer by profession and has expert knowledge in the field of career and all other private and government sector. She has given valuable tips on employment news paper. If you are interested in employment, so you can visit employment news paper website.
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