How to get Fue hair transplant in Pakistan

Posted by Aisha Smith
Apr 12, 2016

The subject of hair loss has always been a sensitive one over the years based on the smaller issues that may stem from it. Baldness is something that affects both men and women but in today’s world, it is more popular on the male side of the spectrum. It is a quite the confidence booster and is also considered to be a key part of their appearance as it relates to looking attractive. Most men are losing their hair at a younger age and this has become a growing concern. Luckily, with all the strides being made in science and technology, both men and women are able to a stimulate hair growth through a technique called FUE.

What is FUE?

FUE the abbreviated version form of Follicular Unit Extraction which is a scientific technique used in hair transplantation, whichallows hair follicles to be safely removed from a donor area ofthe patient and then transferred to the thinning or completely receded area. Contrary to the popular assumption of many that this method is relatively new, it can actually be dated back to 1988 in Japan where it was first described by Masumi Inaba and successfully done on public patients in Australia in the year 1989, by a Dr. Ray Woods. Unlike other conventional methods in which a strip of skin is removed from the donor and divided into single pieces, FUE is minimally invasive and a more thorough approach is taken. With the modernization of this technique, more people who are having various troubles with hair loss have been gravitating to this ancient style of hair rejuvenation for many reasons. Some of which may include the success rate and the constant disappointment experienced when other remedies fail.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There is a positive and a negative factor for just about everything and FUE should not be seen any different in that regard. There is no doubt that it comes with a few advantages, but you must also beware of the disadvantages seeing they may prove to be harmful enough to cause life altering events. On that note, some of the advantages of FUE include: Minimal invasion, quick recovery time, ensures a natural appearance, Process is comfortable due to usage of local anesthesia and the donor hair looks unchanged. So yes, this particular technique has been tried over the years and various improvements have been made in an effort to ensure comfort and success. So it is quite understandable why more people are drawn to this method of hair restoration. The disadvantages of doing the FUE are: The high cost of surgery, more consultations before any actual work is done, donor area maybe prone to hair loss in the future, increased chance of transection and possible damage to surrounding follicles. So yes, in any case of hair restoration there is a risk involved and this is why consultations are necessary. By doing this, it allows you to get an idea of what is to be done and also to find out if this is the most suitable method for you.

The Process

Even though the surgery on a general basis has been improved to make the atmosphere for both donor and recipient more comfortable, this does not take away from the amount of time that go into each delicate stage of the procedure; so let’s take a look at how it is actually done. Firstly a suitable and willing donor area must be located and then that area has to be trimmed low so that the follicles can be seen clearly and removed with very little or no interference. After that is done, the recipient area is marked in order to identify exactly where the grafts will be placed. The patient is then placed under local anesthetic,and then the doctor or a member of his surgical team will use an instrument called a punch, which has a hollow metal tube of one millimeter in sizeattached to isolate the graft which is then subsequently removed by use of one or more forceps. The amount of grafts that are taken all depend on the size of the receding area. When this part is complete and the area is cleaned the surgeon uses the needles to make small incisions in areas of hair loss then each follicle that was removed is strategically placed in each of these tiny incisions. The donor area from which the follicles were initially taken usually heal within a few days. 

Side Effects and Cost

Subsequent to a surgery of this particular nature, it will be normal to experience a few side effects. They may vary from person to person, but the patient should have already been made aware of this in previous consultations. So the doctor will basically do a run down and remind the patient of what is to be expected after the procedure is complete and to ensure that the head is taken care of properly during this time of recovery. With that said, some of the side effects that may follow after a FUE include: Scalp swelling, minor bleeding, itching of the scalp, little or no sensation in treated area and the formation of thin crusts over the treated area. The cost is one of the areas that will have a key influence on the patient’s decision to go through with the surgery or not. In most cases, they usually charge per graft and the cost can range from 1 to 3 dollars per graft. In essence, those are really just estimates seeing that in some cases one or 2 thousand grafts may be required. In some countries the prices are quite low, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best choice.


In concluding, one can say that the modern spin to this old technique has worked wonders for many people and can even be deemed as one of the safest ways of hair restoration. Be sure that you go over the pros and cons prior to deciding and also speak with you doctor to see if Follicular Unit Extraction is right for you.

Those who want to know more about Fue hair transplant clinic in Pakistan or hair transplant cost in Pakistan visit these links 

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