Hair Loss and Vitamins

Posted by Aisha Smith
Apr 14, 2016

Hair Loss can occur due to many factors like illness, poor diet, hormones, and medication and over styling. If these factors are bothering a person, they must be controlled as soon as possible to prevent from prevailing otherwise they may result in dreadful hair loss. If these factors are not controlled timely they can prevent the growth of new hairs. An average person loses about 100 to 150 hairs per day and each month hairs grow at an average of half inch per month.

Vitamins are very important for hair growth and health.  Vitamin deficiency and lack of essential vitamins in everyday diet can also be a cause of hair loss and thinning of hairs.  A significant hair loss symptom in women is thinning of scalp hairs and baldness of scalp from the top of the head. In men top of scalp and forehead starts to get bald as an alarming symptom of hair loss.

Vitamins Keep Hair Healthy and Strong

Vitamins are an important and essential part of a balanced diet. According to medical science and physicians a person who takes organic diet with all essential nutrients is less likely to have any medical problem, good metabolism and immune system. Taking a balanced diet with essential vitamins keeps the scalp and hairs strong and healthy. Healthy hairs not only look good but also have a strong grip on the scalp. Vitamins help to strengthen the hair tissue thus result in ensuring a long and healthy life for them. Hair loss is a common issue now days and one of the major issues for hair fall is poor diet intake which lacks essential Vitamins.

Vitamins can re-grow Hairs

If hair loss occurs due to a bad diet it is called as telogen effluvium. This is a temporary hair loss condition which starts with thinning of hairs and if not controlled timely it results in extreme hair shedding of the weak hairs. The weak hairs have a lose grip on the scalp thus easily shed off. Telogen Effluvium can be treated with a good diet rich in Vitamins.

It is always recommended to overcome nutrient deficiency by the help of natural and organic diet. If you are losing your scalp hairs, try eating the foods which are rich in Vitamins like fresh fruits and raw vegetables. Eggs and Milk are also good for this condition. The recovery period of telogen effluvium can comprise over few months.

If you cannot eat a diet rich in Vitamins, then Vitamins supplements are a good option. Essential nutrients for hair growth are Vitamin C, Biotin, Iron and Zinc and their supplements are a good way to ensure re-growth of scalp hairs. Intake of these food supplements will also leave the skin and nails healthy, younger and fresh.

When a person observe shedding of more than 100 to 150 hair strands daily it is a sign of bad hair health and indicates a problem. A Vitamin rich diet can prevent hair loss and if the condition is severe, a hair loss treatment specialist shall be consulted as he can recommend vitamin diet and supplements.

Sometimes hair thinning leads to female or male pattern baldness and vitamins cannot prevent this condition.  Find some hair restoration clinic for baldness treatment. Those who are searching for latest and affordable Fue hair transplant in Pakistan or some other countries should investigate thoroughly before undergoing any procedure. 

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