How To Get Eating Disorder Help?

Posted by Stify George
Jun 25, 2019

Eating disorders affect 30 million Americans, of all ages, genders, races and socioeconomic statuses. Many of us know someone who has struggled with these serious conditions, and quite a few of us have been challenged with disordered eating and body image issues ourselves.

Basically if your own thoughts and behaviors mainly around food and weight have become unmanageable, knowing where and how to seek support can be difficult or overwhelming. Knowing that you are not alone in these thoughts and feelings can be helpful, but here are some steps and resources from where you can take eating disorder help .

1). Reach Out to Someone You Trust

Acknowledging you may have a problem is a big first step; especially if you are unsure of how serious it might be. If some part of you knows that your relationship with food is interrupting your quality of life, confide in someone. So, this can be a friend, a family member, a trusted adult or even someone from an in-person or online support group.

2). Seek a Professional Opinion

If you work with therapist, discuss your concerns with them. You can also speak with your doctor or seek out a dietitian with expertise in binge eating treatment. The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp) foundation ( website allows you to search for local certified eating disorder specialists.

3). Research Treatment Options

So, now that you have a trusted ally and some professional guidance, the next step could be to look for treatment options that would be appropriate for you. A binge eating disorder treatment or provider can help assess the level of care you may need based on things like severity and frequency of behaviors, how thoughts and behaviors around food items are impacting your day to day life as well as medical risks.

4). Make a Commitment

So, once you’ve made the brave decision to pursue appropriate treatment, the most important thing you can do – again and again – is commit, and recommit to getting better. Mainly continue to build your support system of loved ones and professionals to help bolster you in case you ever feel like giving up. So, list out your motivations for recovery and post them somewhere you’ll see them every day. So, practice identifying one thing each day you’re grateful for. Mainly accept yourself where you are at in the moment. Accept any emotions that come up during this process.

So, making the decision to get help for your eating disorder is one of the bravest things you can do. So, always remember you don’t have to do it alone. A support system – be it friends and family, trusted professionals, community support groups, non-profits or online resources – is key. Mainly leveraging these to create a treatment plan that you can commit to is your best path to recovery.

Different eating disorders are debilitating diseases that compromise an individual’s mental and physical health. If you think you may have a problem, we’re always here to help you.
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